CSE 365 - Fall 2024

University: Arizona State University
Course: CSE 365 — Introduction to Cybersecurity
Term: Fall 2024
Course Discord Channel: here (you must first complete setup)

Getting Started:

Lecture/Live Events Schedule:

Mon 11am: Yan's Office Hours, BYENG 480 / on discord Mon 1:30pm: live lecture/q&a/etc, COOR170 / Twitch
Mon 4:30pm: recitation (optional hands-on challenge/concept help), BYENG 209
Tue 4:30pm: recitation (optional hands-on challenge/concept help), BYENG 209
Wed 1:30pm: live lecture/q&a/etc, COOR170 / Twitch
Wed 4:30pm: recitation (optional hands-on challenge/concept help), BYENG 209
Thu 4:30pm: recitation (optional hands-on challenge/concept help), BYENG 209
Fri 4:30pm: recitation (optional hands-on challenge/concept help), BYENG 209
Sat 4:30pm: recitation (optional hands-on challenge/concept help), on discord

Additionally, please make sure to watch all lectures in the module pages below!

You can catch up on any lectures you missed on our twitch or our youtube. Discuss, help, get help on our discord.

Miscellaneous Slides

We maintain a slide deck on the State of the Course.

Currently Live Assignments:


Hacking Now: 192
Hackers: 2,524
Challenges: 150
Solves: 163,640



Rank Hacker Badges Score