
The Quarterly Quiz

Welcome to the twisted world of KyleBot, where full kernel compromise is one vuln away.

In this 2024 Spring Quarterly Quiz, challenge yourself to become a Linux Kernel master exploiter by mastering first yourself, then KyleBotFS.

Note 1: This requires state-of-the-art in Linux Kernel exploitation, and if you need to up your skills, check out the Kernel Security module and the new Kernel Exploitation module.

Note 2: this is a kernel pwning module, and requires you to run vm connect to drop into the virtual machine where the challenge is running. You can get logs using vm logs and (in Practice Mode) debug the kernel using vm debug.

Note 3: for technical reasons, we had to disable virtualization on this module. The VM will be slow --- consider doing heavy tasks like compiling in the normal workspace (e.g., in a terminal where you have not done vm connect).


Quarterly Quiz... Level 1!

HINT: This level is a reversing challenge: pay attention to the mount_kbfs file!

Quarterly Quiz... Level 2!

Quarterly Quiz... Level 3!

Quarterly Quiz... Level 4!

30-Day Scoreboard:

This scoreboard reflects solves for challenges in this module after the module launched in this dojo.

Rank Hacker Badges Score