Write a full exploit involving injecting shellcode and a method of tricking the challenge into executing it by utilizing clever payload construction.
Write a full exploit involving injecting shellcode and a method of tricking the challenge into executing it by utilizing clever payload construction.
Write a full exploit involving injecting shellcode, reverse engineering, and a method of tricking the challenge into executing your payload.
Write a full exploit involving injecting shellcode, reverse engineering, and a method of tricking the challenge into executing your payload.
Write a full exploit involving injecting shellcode, reverse engineering, seccomp, and a method of tricking the challenge into executing your payload.
Write a full exploit involving injecting shellcode, reverse engineering, seccomp, and a method of tricking the challenge into executing your payload.
Write a full exploit involving injecting shellcode, reverse engineering, seccomp, and a method of tricking the challenge into executing your payload.
Write a full exploit involving injecting shellcode, reverse engineering, seccomp, and a method of tricking the challenge into executing your payload.
Write a full exploit for a custom VM involving injecting shellcode and a method of tricking the challenge into executing it by locating and utilizing a bug in the challenge. Note, ASLR is disabled!
Write a full exploit for a custom VM involving injecting shellcode and a method of tricking the challenge into executing it by locating and utilizing a bug in the challenge. Note, ASLR is disabled!
Write a full exploit for a custom VM involving injecting shellcode, and a method of tricking the challenge into executing it by locating and utilizing a bug in the challenge.
Write a full exploit for a custom VM involving injecting shellcode, and a method of tricking the challenge into executing it by locating and utilizing a bug in the challenge.
Provide your own Yan85 shellcode! This time, it's filtered
Provide your own Yan85 shellcode! This time, it's filtered
The ultimate Yan85 challenge. Provide your own Yan85 shellcode.
The ultimate Yan85 challenge. Provide your own Yan85 shellcode.
The ultimate Yan85 challenge. Provide your own Yan85 shellcode. Now updated for modern hardware!
The ultimate Yan85 challenge. Provide your own Yan85 shellcode. Now updated for modern hardware!
30-Day Scoreboard:
This scoreboard reflects solves for challenges in this module after the module launched in this dojo.