Pondering PATH

Linux Luminarium

Thus far, you have invoked commands in several ways:

The first two cases, the absolute and the relative path case, are straightforward: the run file lives in the /challenge directory, and both cases refer to it (provided, of course, that the relative path is invoked with a current working directory of /challenge). But what about the last one? Where is the ls program located? How does the shell know to search for it there?

In this module, we will pull back the veil and answer this question! Stay with us.

Lectures and Reading


It turns out that the answer to "How does the shell find ls?" is fairly simple. There is a special shell variable, called PATH, that stores a bunch of directory paths in which the shell will search for programs corresponding to commands. If you blank out the variable, things go badly:

hacker@dojo:~$ ls
Desktop    Downloads  Pictures  Templates
Documents  Music      Public    Videos
hacker@dojo:~$ PATH=""
hacker@dojo:~$ ls
bash: ls: No such file or directory

Without a PATH, bash cannot find the ls command.

In this level, you will disrupt the operation of the /challenge/run program. This program will DELETE the flag file using the rm command. However, if it can't find the rm command, the flag will not be deleted, and the challenge will give it to you! Thus, you must make it so that /challenge/run also can't find the rm command!

Keep in mind: /challenge/run will be a child process of your shell, so you must apply the concepts you learned in Shell Variables to mess with its PATH variable! If you don't succeed, and the flag gets deleted, you will need to restart the challenge to try again!

Okay, so things break when you blank out PATH. But what about doing something useful with PATH?

Let's explore how we would, for example, add a new directory of programs to our command repertoire. Recall that PATH stores a list of directories to find commands in and, for commands in nonstandard places, we must typically execute them via their path:

hacker@dojo:~$ ls /home/hacker/scripts
goodscript	badscript	okayscript
hacker@dojo:~$ goodscript
bash: goodscript: command not found
hacker@dojo:~$ /home/hacker/scripts/goodscript
YEAH! This is the best script!

If you maintain useful scripts that you want to be able to launch by bare name, this is annoying. However, by adding directories to or replacing directories in this list, you can expose these programs to be launched using their bare name! For example:

hacker@dojo:~$ PATH=/home/hacker/scripts
hacker@dojo:~$ goodscript
YEAH! This is the best script!

Let's practice. This level's /challenge/run will run the win command via its bare name, but this command exists in the /challenge/more_commands/ directory, which is not initially in the PATH. The win command is the only thing that /challenge/run needs, so you can just overwrite PATH with that one directory. Good luck!

Recall our example from the previous level:

hacker@dojo:~$ ls /home/hacker/scripts
goodscript	badscript	okayscript
hacker@dojo:~$ PATH=/home/hacker/scripts
hacker@dojo:~$ goodscript
YEAH! This is the best script!

What we see here, of course, is the hacker making the shell more useful for themselves by bringing their own commands to the party. Over time, you might amass your own elegant tools. Let's start with win!

Previously, the win command that /challenge/run executed was stored in /challenge/more_commands. This time, win does not exist! Recall the final level of Chaining Commands, and make a shell script called win, add its location to the PATH, and enable /challenge/run to find it!

Hint: /challenge/run runs as root and will call win. Thus, win can simply cat the flag file. Again, the win command is the only thing that /challenge/run needs, so you can just overwrite PATH with that one directory. But remember, if you do that, your win command won't be able to find cat.

You have three options to avoid that:

  1. Figure out where the cat program is on the filesystem. It must be in a directory that lives in the PATH variable, so you can print the variable out (refer to Shell Variables to remember how!), and go through the directories in it (recall that the different entries are separated by :), find which one has cat in it, and invoke cat by its absolute path.
  2. Set a PATH that has the old directories plus a new entry for wherever you create win.
  3. Use read (again, refer to Shell Variables) to read /flag. Since read is a builtin functionality of bash, it is unaffected by PATH shenanigans.

Now, go and win!

Armed with your knowledge, you can now carry out some shenanigans. This challenge is almost the same as the first challenge in this module. Again, this challenge will delete the flag using the rm command. But unlike before, it will not print anything out for you.

How can you solve this? You know that rm is searched for in the directories listed in the PATH variable. You have experience creating the win command when the previous challenge needed it. What else can you create?

30-Day Scoreboard:

This scoreboard reflects solves for challenges in this module after the module launched in this dojo.

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