Comprehending Commands

Linux Luminarium

This module will expose you to some useful Linux commands that will serve you well for the rest of your journey here! It is FAR from an exhaustive list, and we'll continue to expand this module, but this should be enough to get you started.

So, without further ado, let's learn some commands!


One of the most critical Linux commands is cat. cat is most often used for reading out files, like so:

hacker@dojo:~$ cat /challenge/
One of the most critical Linux commands is `cat`.
`cat` is most often used for reading out files, like so:

cat will concatenate (hence the name) multiple files if provided multiple arguments. For example:

hacker@dojo:~$ cat myfile
This is my file!
hacker@dojo:~$ cat yourfile
This is your file!
hacker@dojo:~$ cat myfile yourfile
This is my file!
This is your file!
hacker@dojo:~$ cat myfile yourfile myfile
This is my file!
This is your file!
This is my file!

Finally, if you give no arguments at all, cat will read from the terminal input and output it. We'll explore that in later challenges...

In this challenge, I will copy the flag to the flag file in your home directory (where your shell starts). Go read it with cat!

In the last level, you did cat flag to read the flag out of your home directory! You can, of course, specify cat's arguments as absolute paths:

hacker@dojo:~$ cat /challenge/
In the last level, you did `cat flag` to read the flag out of your home directory!
You can, of course, specify `cat`'s arguments as absolute paths:

In this directory, I will not copy it to your home directory, but I will make it readable. You can read it with cat at its absolute path: /flag.

FUN FACT: /flag is where the flag always lives in, but unlike in this challenge, you typically can't access that file directly.

You can specify all sorts of paths as arguments to commands, and we'll practice some more with cat. In this level, I'll put the flag in some crazy directory, and I will not allow you to change directories with cd, so no cat flag for you. You must retrieve the flag by absolute path, wherever it is.

Sometimes, the files that you might cat out are too big. Luckily, we have the grep command to search for the contents we need! We'll learn it in this challenge.

There are many ways to grep, and we'll learn on way here:

hacker@dojo:~$ grep SEARCH_STRING /path/to/file

Invoked like this, grep will search the file for lines of text containing SEARCH_STRING and print them to the console.

In this challenge, I've put a hundred thousand lines of text into the /challenge/data.txt file. Grep it for the flag!

HINT: The flag always starts with the text

So far, we've told you which files to interact with. But directories can have lots of files (and other directories) inside them, and we won't always be here to tell you their names. You'll need to learn to list their contents using the ls command!

ls will list files in all the directories provided to it as arguments, and in the current directory if no arguments are provided. Observe:

hacker@dojo:~$ ls /challenge
hacker@dojo:~$ ls
Desktop    Downloads  Pictures  Templates
Documents  Music      Public    Videos
hacker@dojo:~$ ls /home/hacker
Desktop    Downloads  Pictures  Templates
Documents  Music      Public    Videos

In this challenge, we've named /challenge/run with some random name! List the files in /challenge to find it.

Of course, you can also create files! There are several ways to do this, but we'll look at a simple command here. You can create a new, blank file by touching it with the touch command:

hacker@dojo:~$ cd /tmp
hacker@dojo:/tmp$ ls
hacker@dojo:/tmp$ touch pwnfile
hacker@dojo:/tmp$ ls

It's that simple! In this level, please create two files: /tmp/pwn and /tmp/college, and run /challenge/run to get your flag!

Files are all around you. Like candy wrappers, there'll eventually be too many of them. In this level, we'll learn to clean up!

In Linux, you remove files with the rm command, as so:

hacker@dojo:~$ touch PWN
hacker@dojo:~$ touch COLLEGE
hacker@dojo:~$ ls
hacker@dojo:~$ rm PWN
hacker@dojo:~$ ls

Let's practice. This challenge will create a delete_me file in your home directory! Delete it, then run /challenge/check, which will make sure you've deleted it and then give you the flag!

Interestingly, ls doesn't list all the files by default. Linux has a convention where files that start with a . don't show up by default in ls and in a few other contexts. To view them with ls, you need to invoke ls with the -a flag, as so:

hacker@dojo:~$ touch pwn
hacker@dojo:~$ touch .college
hacker@dojo:~$ ls
hacker@dojo:~$ ls -a
.college	pwn

Now, it's your turn! Go find the flag, hidden as a dot-prepended file in /.

With your knowledge of cd, ls, and cat, we're ready to play a little game!

We'll start it out in /. Normally:

hacker@dojo:~$ cd /
hacker@dojo:/$ ls
bin   challenge  etc   home  lib32  libx32  mnt  proc  run   srv  tmp  var
boot  dev        flag  lib   lib64  media   opt  root  sbin  sys  usr

That's a lot of contents! One day, you will be quite familiar with them, but already, you might recognize the flag file and the challenge directory.

In this challenge, I have hidden the flag! Here, you will use ls and cat to follow my breadcrumbs and find it! Here's how it'll work:

  1. Your first clue is in /. Head on over there.
  2. Look around with ls. There'll be a file named HINT or CLUE or something along those lines!
  3. cat that file to read the clue!
  4. Depending on what the clue says, head on over to the next directory (or don't!).
  5. Follow the clues to the flag!

Good luck!

We can create files. How about directories? You make directories using the mkdir command. Then you can stick files in there!


hacker@dojo:~$ cd /tmp
hacker@dojo:/tmp$ ls
hacker@dojo:/tmp$ ls
hacker@dojo:/tmp$ mkdir my_directory
hacker@dojo:/tmp$ ls
hacker@dojo:/tmp$ cd my_directory
hacker@dojo:/tmp/my_directory$ touch my_file
hacker@dojo:/tmp/my_directory$ ls
hacker@dojo:/tmp/my_directory$ ls /tmp/my_directory/my_file

Now, go forth and create a /tmp/pwn directory and make a college file in it! Then run /challenge/run, which will check your solution and give you the flag!

So now we know how to list, read, and create files. But how do we find them? We use the find command!

The find command takes optional arguments describing the search criteria and the search location. If you don't specify a search criteria, find matches every file. If you don't specify a search location, find uses the current working directory (.). For example:

hacker@dojo:~$ mkdir my_directory
hacker@dojo:~$ mkdir my_directory/my_subdirectory
hacker@dojo:~$ touch my_directory/my_file
hacker@dojo:~$ touch my_directory/my_subdirectory/my_subfile
hacker@dojo:~$ find

And when specifying the search location:

hacker@dojo:~$ find my_directory/my_subdirectory

And, of course, we can specify the criteria! For example, here, we filter by name:

hacker@dojo:~$ find -name my_subfile
hacker@dojo:~$ find -name my_subdirectory

You can search the whole filesystem if you want!

hacker@dojo:~$ find / -name hacker

Now it's your turn. I've hidden the flag in a random directory on the filesystem. It's still called flag. Go find it!

Several notes. First, there are other files named flag on the filesystem. Don't panic if the first one you try doesn't have the actual flag in it. Second, there're plenty of places in the filesystem that are not accessible to a normal user. These will cause find to generate errors, but you can ignore those; we won't hide the flag there! Finally, find can take a while; be patient!

If you use Linux (or computers) for any reasonable length of time to do any real work, you will eventually run into some variant of the following situation: you want two programs to access the same data, but the programs expect that data to be in two different locations. Luckily, Linux provides a solution to this quandry: links.

Links come in two flavors: hard and soft (also known as symbolic) links. We'll differentiate the two with an analogy:

  • A hard link is when you address your appartment using multiple addresses that all lead directly to the same place (e.g., Apt 2 vs Unit 2).
  • A soft link is when you move appartments and have the postal service automatically forward your mail from your old place to your new place.

In a filesystem, a file is, conceptually, an address at which the contents of that file live. A hard link is an alternate address that indexes that data --- accesses to the hard link and accesses to the original file are completely identical, in that they immediate yield the necessary data. A soft/symbolic link, instead, contains the original file name. When you access the symbolic link, Linux will realize that it is a symbolic link, read the original file name, and then (typically) automatically access that file. In most cases, both situations result in accessing the original data, but the mechanisms are different.

Hard links sound simpler to most people (case in point, I explained it in one sentence above, versus two for soft links), but they have various downsides and implementation gotchas that make soft/symbolic links, by far, the more popular alternative.

In this challenge, we will learn about symbolic links (also also known as symlinks). Symbolic links are created with the ln command with the -s argument, like so:

hacker@dojo:~$ cat /tmp/myfile
This is my file!
hacker@dojo:~$ ln -s /tmp/myfile /home/hacker/ourfile
hacker@dojo:~$ cat ~/ourfile
This is my file!

You can see that accessing the symlink results in getting the original file contents! Also, you can see the usage of ln -s. Note that the original file path comes before the link path in the command!

A symlink can be identified as such with a few methods. For example, the file command, which takes a filename and tells you what type of file it is, will recognize symlinks:

hacker@dojo:~$ file /tmp/myfile
/tmp/myfile: ASCII text
hacker@dojo:~$ file ~/ourfile
/home/hacker/ourfile: symbolic link to /tmp/myfile

Okay, now you try it! In this level the flag is, as always, in /flag, but /challenge/catflag will instead read out /home/hacker/not-the-flag. Use the symlink, and fool it into giving you the flag!

30-Day Scoreboard:

This scoreboard reflects solves for challenges in this module after the module launched in this dojo.

Rank Hacker Badges Score