

First challanges focus on very basics of kernel modules. Then in small steps testing how messed up can we make the system by hotpatching the kernel. For me this was a nice way to learn some of kernel internals.


Make a kernel module to access the flag

Make a kernel module to communicate with the challenge binary to get the flag

Make a kernel module that hides files/folders in directory '/' from command 'ls /' to get the flag

Make a kernel module that hides files/folders in directory '/' from command 'ls /' to get the flag. kaslr on.

Make a kernel module that hides file '/challange' but not file '/flag' from command 'ls /' to get the flag. kaslr on.

Command 'ls /' should find a file named as 'l/e/t/s//r/o/c/k' to get the flag. kaslr on.

Challenge binary tries to find installed kernel module and then to kill itself. Fool it to exit correctly and hide your .ko and show your personality (this time in stdout) to get the flag. kaslr on.

Pass checks to get the flag. kaslr on.

Feel free to run any binary. Pass checks to get the flag. kaslr on.

As level11 but now some too simply non intended solutions should not be possible.

30-Day Scoreboard:

This scoreboard reflects solves for challenges in this module after the module launched in this dojo.

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