Introduction to IRC Servers

Honors Dojo.

A general introduction to IRC servers.

This module was created by Journey Hancock.

Lectures and Reading


Successfully connect to an IRC server using Netcat.

Successfully connect to an IRC server using an IRC client (Hint: sic --help).

Change your nickname to "pwn" and receive the flag.

Create the #flag channel to receive flag (Hint: Attempting to join a channel that does not exist will create it).

Send a message to the #flag channel to receive the flag (use what you learned in the last level to create the channel).

Change your nickname to "pwn" and receive the flag but this time another user holds the nickname (Hint: This user will disconnect if they receive a message saying "Press alt+f4 to join my channel").

30-Day Scoreboard:

This scoreboard reflects solves for challenges in this module after the module launched in this dojo.

Rank Hacker Badges Score