Internet Relay Chat (IRC)

This is a dojo based on the Honors IRC Dojo by Journey Hancock to teach IRC basics. All challenges will include a mini internal IRC which you will attempt to connect to and interact with. These levels are meant to simulate the pain with using IRCs in the early days of hacking. Also, the basic attacks that can be done on them.

Lectures and Reading


There is a IRC server running on host localhost and on port 6667.

In this challenge you will be connecting to the server with raw bytes using netcat. This usually looks like the following:


Once connected, you must utilize the USER command and the NICK to then view the Message of the Day (MOTD). The MOTD is the flag for this level. Note: when you connect you can use normal IRC Commands, but without the leading /. For instance, try type in USER and hit enter.

There is a IRC server running on host localhost and on port 6667.

In this challenge you will be connecting to the server with a dedicated client, sic. See how it works with:

sic --help

The MOTD is the flag for this level.

There is a IRC server running on host localhost and on port 6667. Note: when you connect you can use normal IRC Commands. It is recommended you use nc.

In this challenge you need to change your nickname to "pwn" to receive the flag.

There is a IRC server running on host localhost and on port 6667. Note: when you connect you can use normal IRC Commands. It is recommended you use nc.

In this challenge you need to create the #flag channel to receive flag (Hint: Attempting to join a channel that does not exist will create it).

There is a IRC server running on host localhost and on port 6667. Note: when you connect you can use normal IRC Commands. It is recommended you use nc.

In this challenge send a message to the #flag channel to receive the flag (use what you learned in the last level to create the channel).

There is a IRC server running on host localhost and on port 6667. Note: when you connect you can use normal IRC Commands. It is recommended you use nc.

In this level you will be implementing a very simple attack to break the chain of trust in the IRC. What happens when you impersonate another user after forcefully disconnecting them?

Change your nickname to "pwn" and receive the flag but this time another user holds the nickname (Hint: This user will disconnect if they receive a message saying "Press alt+f4 to join my channel").

In this challenge, you will be logging on to a REAL IRC server that has been running for years. You will be connecting to IRC Net, which has a built-in web client for IRC.

Join the channel hacking-history-irc. Once online, the flag is in the topic of the channel. The flag format is hack{.+}, which you will submit to a program in the challenge which will give you your real local flag.

Once you get the flag, run


Which will give you the real flag when you provide the flag from the external IRC.

30-Day Scoreboard:

This scoreboard reflects solves for challenges in this module after the module launched in this dojo.

Rank Hacker Badges Score