Playing With Programs

Throughout your security adventure, you will need to think outside the box and interact with a lot of different software. This module will walk you through quite a few scenarios of such thinking and such interacting. As you embark on this journey, remember: this is only the beginning.

This dojo errs heavily on the side of comprehensiveness. However, many students enter the dojo already knowing the intricacies of, for example, scripting interactions. Some others may be fast learners, and though some review of these concepts are good for these hackers, they might not need all nearly-200 challenges in this dojo to drive home the point. For this beginning of your journey, feel free to meander, dig in where you feel compelled to do so, and move on when you are sated.

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Award: 🔤


Hacking Now: 16
Hackers: 11,579
Challenges: 190
Solves: 569,726
Awardees: 234
Earliest Awardees: alone · razzledazzle · r34rm0u7h · northen · Randomtrydude
Latest Awardees: manwill53 · CodyK · robmro27 · Xen0s · zolutal


30-Day Scoreboard:

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