n00bzCTF 2023

CTF Archive.

Welcome to n00bzCTF 2023

A 48 hours ctf by n00bz for n00bz, organized with beginner friendly challenges (and some hard ones), n00bzCTF is dedicated to make cyber security more friendly and approachable for complete n00bz.

Orignal Date: Fri, 09 June 2023, 16:00 UTC — Sun, 11 June 2023, 16:00 UTC
Orignal URL: https://ctf.n00bzunit3d.xyz/
CTFtime Entry: n00bzCTF 2023
Organizing Team: n00bzUnit3d


What can I say except, "You're welcome" :)

Use flagCheck to input the flag you get from the challenge to get the actual flag

Author: NoobHacker

Rev is EZ!

Use flagCheck to input the flag you get from the challenge to get the actual flag

Author: NoobHacker

I made a safe with a pin of only two digits.

Author: Heith

My cousin-sister messaged me on Instagram tat she has got some text FOqxc90aMQZydCQb2MUm5tj4kRIxxVeCDWzAANfOrr8JItHYneUHhSV0awvQIo/8E1LtfYm/+VVWz0PDK6MXp38BWHoFDorhdS44DzYj9CQ= and a text file in which something like String password: aesiseasy and Salt: saltval was written can you help her to decode the weird text?

Use flagCheck to input the flag you get from the challenge to get the actual flag

Author: noob_abhinav

Welcome to MaaS - Modulo as a Service!

Author: NoobMaster

Because cryptocurrency is entirely unhackabe, everyone's tokens are going to the MOOOON! Everyone's but mine, that is. How about this: if you can get my TTMCOIN's price high enough, I'll give you the flag. That sound fair?

Required Note 1: This chall has to be solved in remix - https://remix.ethereum.org/, using the first address shown(0x5b3...eddc4)

Required Note 2: The final flag is the transaction hash from calling the solve() function(as a string) XORed with 575105531e4f120e1c6d115d5d126d5d4e3a43590f59074439425a525616515f5b4e4c5b000057434d475b416f4e5b57473c0848694158095b56173b170a5d51(as hex)

Required Note 3: The flag "repeats" in the output you get, but it should be clear what to submit. If not, please open a ticket.

Note 4: If the output isn't wrapped in n00bz{...}. you may need to reload the page, and solve the chall in as few steps as possible. If it still isn't working but you have a solution, we'll give you the flag.

Ex: If you get 0x7bff as the hash, you should xor "7bff"(as a string) with 575105531e4f120e1c6d115d5d126d5d4e3a43590f59074439425a525616515f5b4e4c5b000057434d475b416f4e5b57473c0848694158095b56173b170a5d51(as hex). The output will already be wrapped in n00bz{...}l

Author: n00bzUnit3d

30-Day Scoreboard:

This scoreboard reflects solves for challenges in this module after the module launched in this dojo.

Rank Hacker Badges Score