ImaginaryCTF 2022

CTF Archive

Welcome to ImaginaryCTF 2022

ImaginaryCTF is back, with a new CTF for 2022! All skill levels welcome to participate. It runs from July 15 to July 18, starting and ending at 8 PM UTC. In the competition, teams will be challenged to hack websites and servers, crack codes, and recover information through challenges in cryptography, binary exploitation, web exploitation, forensics, reversing, and more. We hope you will have fun and learn something new!

Orignal Date: Fri, 15 July 2022, 20:00 UTC — Mon, 18 July 2022, 20:00 UTC
Orignal URL:
CTFtime Entry: ImaginaryCTF 2022
Organizing Team: ImaginaryCTF
Oringal Source Repository:


One format string to rule them all, one format string to find them. One format string to bring them all, and in the darkness bind them.

Author: Eth007

Use flagCheck to input the flag you get from the challenge to get the actual flag

Author: Eth007

HELP! I encrypted my files with this program I downloaded from the internet. Can you recover my flag?

Author: Eth007

To be or not to be, that is the question. Sadly the challenge doesn't look nearly as good unless you have a fancy terminal :(

Use flagCheck to input the flag you get from the challenge to get the actual flag

Author: Eth007

Just a regular, run-of-the-mill RSA challenge, right? Right?

Author: Robin_Jadoul

Cryptograms == encryption, right? Flag is readable english.

Author: puzzler7

Encrypt your messages with our new OTP service. Your messages will never again be readable to anyone.

Author: Eth007

My passwords are safe and secure with the use of sha42!

Author: Eth007

I don't trust everyone's CBC implementations. So I rolled my own, with A HUNDRED PERCENT GUARANTEE OF DATA INTEGRITY!

Author: Eth007

Sometimes you just gotta have some fun implementing bare hardness assumptions.

Author: Robin_Jadoul

Base64 is my favorite encryption scheme.

Author: puzzler7

Sometimes you just gotta have some fun implmenting bare hardness assumptions.

Author: StealthyDev

30-Day Scoreboard:

This scoreboard reflects solves for challenges in this module after the module launched in this dojo.

Rank Hacker Badges Score