HK Cyber Security New Generation CTF Challenge 2022

CTF Archive.

HK Cyber Security New Generation CTF Challenge 2022

Arouse the cyber security skills and awareness of the industry and students. And encourage participants’ problem solving with teamwork, creative thinking and cyber security skills via a fun game.

Organisers: Black Bauhinia and HKCERT

Original Date: Fri, 11 Nov. 2022, 10:00 UTC — Sun, 13 Nov. 2022, 10:00 UTC
Original URL:
CTFtime Entry: HK Cyber Security New Generation CTF Challenge 2021
Organizing Team: HKCERT and Black Bauhinia


People said that base64 is an encoding, not an encryption. Did they have a misconception about that?

If you believe that base64 is just an encoding, then convince me that you are able to "decode" the article (which is in English).

Author: Mystiz

Mystiz does not seem to give up using RSA to store his secrets. This time you are even allowed to send arbitrary public exponent, e. Can you unveil the secret flag?

Author: Mystiz

Let's play rock paper scissors securely. Since we are using a commitment scheme, none of us can cheat!

Author: Mystiz

I have accidentally format my SD card. Please help me to recover the photo inside 🙏.

Author: GonJK

Dr. Ke is watching pwn video during a Zoonn meeting. Can you find what was pwned in that pwn video?

Author: ozetta

What drawing? No one seems to know you!

Note: Use flagCheck to get flag.

Author: GonJK

Guess the guessing guests???

Hint: try harder

Author: ozetta

30-Day Scoreboard:

This scoreboard reflects solves for challenges in this module after the module launched in this dojo.

Rank Hacker Badges Score