CSAW Quals CTF 2024

CTF Archive.

Welcome to CSAW CTF Qualification Round 2024

CSAW CTF is one of the oldest and biggest CTFs with 1096 teams with 1+ points in 2023. Designed as an entry-level, jeopardy-style CTF, this competition is for students who are trying to break into the field of security, as well as for advanced students and industry professionals who want to practice their skills.

Original Date: Fri, 06 Sept. 2024, 16:00 UTC — Sun, 08 Sept. 2024, 16:00 UTC
Original URL: http://ctf.csaw.io/
CTFtime entry: CSAW CTF Qualification Round 2024
Organizing Team: CSAW CTF Organizers


Let's go mini golfing! To win, just aim correctly! Except the hole with the pin keeps moving...

Author: jp

Do you really know *nix?

Author: 8bitrosso

Let's learn how diffusion works in AES!\n\nnc {box} {port}\n\nAuthors: Dhyey Shah and Ana Clara Zoppi Serpa (https://github.com/AnaClaraZoppiSerpa/diffusion-studies-supporting-codes)

Author: CSAW CTF Organizers

Let's learn about the importance of diffusion in cryptography!

Author: Dhyey Shah and Ana Clara Zoppi Serpa (https://github.com/AnaClaraZoppiSerpa/diffusion-studies-supporting-codes)

You'll need more than 2700 core-years to break this encryption!

Author: gummiebear

It appears there's been some shady communication going on in our network...

Author: cpan57

I visited this gourmet restaurant a while back, but I'm worried about the health and safety rating of it. Could you check it for me? Oh, and before I forget, could you tell me when the building was built, as well as the name of the LLC that owns it? Flag Format: csawctf{HealthGrade_YearBuilt_LLCName} (Name does not include LLC, replace all spaces with _)

Author: lpv2013

This challenge is intended to test participants' problem-solving and inuition skills, as well as public search skills. The intended difficulty is easy.

I saw this cool vehicle while traveling around India. Unfortunately, I lost most of the image. This is all I have! Can you find the phone number of whomever manages this vehicle so I can contact them? DO NOT MAKE ANY CALLS Flag Format: csawctf{PhoneNumber} Replace spaces with dashes. Include the + and country code. If you DM the challenge creator (levu12 on Discord) with the original video link this image comes from, you will get a small amount of bonus points.

Author: lpv2013

30-Day Scoreboard:

This scoreboard reflects solves for challenges in this module after the module launched in this dojo.

Rank Hacker Badges Score