ångstromCTF 2017

CTF Archive.

ångstromCTF 2017

AngstromCTF is a cybersecurity competition intended for high school students, created by students at Montgomery Blair High School. Problems will range from easy to quite difficult. The emphasis will be on binary exploitation and cryptography. There will be no recon category nor algorithms category. angstromCTF is intended for both beginner CTF players and well-seasoned flag hunters. Check out our website at https://www.angstromctf.com!

Original Date: Sat, 22 April 2017, 12:00 UTC — Thu, 27 April 2017, 12:00 UTC
Original URL: https://angstromctf.com/
CTFtime Entry: ångstromCTF 2017
Organizing Team: ångstromCTF Organizers
Original Source Repository: https://github.com/blairsec/challenges/tree/master/angstromctf/2017


Pxevhfx mh tgzlmkhfvmy. Px ahix rhn xgchr hnk vmy. tvmy{utvd_mh_max_ynmnkx}.

Use flagCheck to input the flag you get from the challenge to get the actual flag

If you need hint than cat /challenge/hint.txt

Author: angstromctf team

You have come across a strange [audio recording]({{ sounds.mp3 }}). Can you recover the flag? Note: The flag is not in the actf{} format.

Use flagCheck to input the flag you get from the challenge to get the actual flag

If you need hint than cat /challenge/hint.txt

Author: angstromctf team

We have discovered [some ciphertext]({{ ciphertext.txt }}). We need you to find the plaintext. The flag is in the {flag} format, not the actf{flag} format. There are no spaces in flag.

Use flagCheck to input the flag you get from the challenge to get the actual flag

If you need hint than cat /challenge/hint.txt

Author: angstromctf team

You have come across an illegal baccarat table. Beat the house to get the flag.

Use flagCheck to input the flag you get from the challenge to get the actual flag

If you need hint than cat /challenge/hint.txt

Author: angstromctf team

ångstromCTF has decided to bring back their CTF mini-game. The code running the server has been released card_guessing.py. Win the game and get the flag!

Use flagCheck to input the flag you get from the challenge to get the actual flag

If you need hint than cat /challenge/hint.txt

Author: angstromctf team

Wow, we have found a suspicious website. The website is running. Log in to retrieve the flag.

Use flagCheck to input the flag you get from the challenge to get the actual flag

If you need hint than cat /challenge/hint.txt

Author: angstromctf team

30-Day Scoreboard:

This scoreboard reflects solves for challenges in this module after the module launched in this dojo.

Rank Hacker Badges Score