ångstromCTF 2016

CTF Archive.

ångstromCTF 2016

AngstromCTF is a cybersecurity competition intended for high school students, created by students at Montgomery Blair High School. Problems will range from easy to quite difficult. The emphasis will be on binary exploitation and cryptography. There will be no recon category nor algorithms category. angstromCTF is intended for both beginner CTF players and well-seasoned flag hunters. Check out our website at https://www.angstromctf.com!

Original Date: Sat, 09 April 2016, 16:00 UTC — Sun, 17 April 2016, 04:00 UTC
Original URL: https://angstromctf.com/
CTFtime Entry: ångstromCTF 2016
Organizing Team: ångstromCTF Organizers
Original Source Repository: https://github.com/blairsec/challenges/tree/master/angstromctf/2016


The end of the world is nigh! Dr. Doomsday has created an evil contraption to destroy the planet, and only a single password can stop it! We were able to recover the source code for the password check. Find the shortest password that will stop Dr. Doomsday's machine and save the world! The {{endian, binary}} and {{endian.c, source}} are provided.

Use flagCheck to input the flag you get from the challenge to get the actual flag

Author: angstromctf team

This program is vulnerable to a format string attack! Try supplying a format string to overwrite a global variable and get a shell!

Use hint.txt to get a hint.

Use flagCheck to input the flag you get from the challenge to get the actual flag

Author: angstromctf team

We found this message written on a piece of parchment in the ruins of ancient Rome. What could it mean?

Use flagCheck to input the flag you get from the challenge to get the actual flag

If you need hint than cat /challenge/hint.txt

Author: angstromctf team

Decode using hex and see what you get...

Use flagCheck to input the flag you get from the challenge to get the actual flag

If you need hint than cat /challenge/hint.txt

Author: angstromctf team

While exploring ancient ruins, a {{ciphertext.txt, strange message}} was found. Can you crack the message?

Use flagCheck to input the flag you get from the challenge to get the actual flag

If you need hint than cat /challenge/hint.txt

Author: angstromctf team

We have uncovered a Shakespearean-era {{Hamlet.docx, transmission}} that seems perfectly ordinary. Can you help us find the hidden message in this Hamlet soliloquy?

Use flagCheck to input the flag you get from the challenge to get the actual flag

If you need hint than cat /challenge/hint.txt

Author: angstromctf team

angstromCTF has set up a new CTF mini-game. Win the game and get the flag.

Author: angstromctf team

We have uncovered a {{server.py, help server}} that accepts encrypted commands. See if you can break in!

Author: angstromctf team

George was sending an encrypted message to me, as well as the RSA private key used to encrypt it. Somehow, part of the message got garbled up and then the {{transmission.txt,transmission}} suddenly cut off. Can you recover the message George was sending?

Use flagCheck to input the flag you get from the challenge to get the actual flag

If you need hint than cat /challenge/hint.txt

Author: angstromctf team

The amoeba is a fascinating creature.

Use flagCheck to input the flag you get from the challenge to get the actual flag

Author: angstromctf team

Jason made a new SuperSecure™ website, but lost his password. It's displayed on the admin page. Can you login?

Use flagCheck to input the flag you get from the challenge to get the actual flag

If you need hint than cat /challenge/hint.txt

Author: angstromctf team

Reading assembly language is one of the core skills for reverse engineering. Test your abilities by tracing {{code.s,this code}} and seeing what %eax contains by the end! Enter the result as an unsigned decimal integer.

Use flagCheck to input the flag you get from the challenge to get the actual flag

If you need hint than cat /challenge/hint.txt

Author: angstromctf team

What kind of input makes {{SuperSecure.class, this program}} happy?

Use flagCheck to input the flag you get from the challenge to get the actual flag

If you need hint than cat /challenge/hint.txt

Author: angstromctf team

Help! My friend encrypted his {{flag.encrypted, favourite image}} and forgot the password. He encrypted it with {{encryptor.apk, this software}}.

Use flagCheck to input the flag you get from the challenge to get the actual flag

If you need hint than cat /challenge/hint.txt

Author: angstromctf team

We have recovered an {{encrypted_book.txt, encrypted book}} and the {{cipher, encryption program}} used to secure it. Could you decrypt this for us, please?

Use flagCheck to input the flag you get from the challenge to get the actual flag

If you need hint than cat /challenge/hint.txt

Author: angstromctf team

We found another message that seems to be encoded with the Sea Cipher method, but the key has been changed! We have the {{encrypted_book.txt, encrypted book}} and the {{cipher, encryption program}}, this time with the secret key redacted. Could you decrypt this for us, please?

Use flagCheck to input the flag you get from the challenge to get the actual flag

If you need hint than cat /challenge/hint.txt

Author: angstromctf team

We recieved this {{recovered.img, disk image}} from the No Such Agency a few days ago. A hacker hid the password for his computer in this image. Can you find it for us?

Use flagCheck to input the flag you get from the challenge to get the actual flag

If you need hint than cat /challenge/hint.txt

Author: angstromctf team

Whoops! I accidentally deleted the book I was reading from my flash drive!! I made an {{oops.img, image}} of the drive afterwards though! Can you find the book, and the flag in it?

Use flagCheck to input the flag you get from the challenge to get the actual flag

If you need hint than cat /challenge/hint.txt

Author: angstromctf team

We're having trouble opening this {{headsup.pdf, PDF}}. Can you figure out what's wrong with it?

Use flagCheck to input the flag you get from the challenge to get the actual flag

If you need hint than cat /challenge/hint.txt

Author: angstromctf team

What could be hiding behind {{yankovic.bmp, "Weird Al" Yankovic's sculpted visage}}? Find out and get the flag!

Use flagCheck to input the flag you get from the challenge to get the actual flag

If you need hint than cat /challenge/hint.txt

Author: angstromctf team

defund rendered 5 images from his {{fender_blender.tar.gz, blender}}. What are the frame numbers? There are 5000 frames in total. Submit the frame numbers in numerical order in the format flag{<num1>,<num2>,<num3>,<num4>,<num5>}.

Use flagCheck to input the flag you get from the challenge to get the actual flag

If you need hint than cat /challenge/hint.txt

Author: angstromctf team

Our Wordpress blog has been hacked! Fortunately, the {{owned.pcap, network capture}} from our intrusion detection system may provide some clues. Can you help us figure out what the hacker did?

Use flagCheck to input the flag you get from the challenge to get the actual flag

If you need hint than cat /challenge/hint.txt

Author: angstromctf team

You recently heard a {{mixed.wav,performance}} of Beethoven's πth Piano Concerto, the "Flag Concerto". As it turns out, this virtuosic piece actually contains a hidden musical message. Can you seek it out and find the flag?

Use flagCheck to input the flag you get from the challenge to get the actual flag

If you need hint than cat /challenge/hint.txt

Author: angstromctf team

30-Day Scoreboard:

This scoreboard reflects solves for challenges in this module after the module launched in this dojo.

Rank Hacker Badges Score