Module 1: Challenges

CSE 365 - Spring 2025.

This module will gently teach you how to use the Linux command line interface, and incept some core Linux concepts along the way. Access the challenges, and accompanying material at:

  1. The Getting Started module (the SENSAI challenge is optional).
  2. The Linux Luminarium dojo.

Good luck!


This challenge will teach you to use the Visual Studio Code workspace. You can start this challenge using the Start button below. Wait for confirmation that it started, and then click on the Workspace tab in the navigation bar (or, if you are quick enough, the Workspace link in the brief popup)! Once VSCode loads, launch a terminal (press Control-Shift-Backtick or click the button in VSCode's left panel, select the Terminal menu, and click New Terminal) and run the challenge!

When we detect that you have launched the terminal in VSCode, we will give you the flag! As a reminder, this platform uses flags to track your progress. Flags are cryptographic tokens that are given to you when you solve challenges. Once you see it, copy-paste it into the submission box below and submit! Then, once you get the confirmation that the flag was correct, move on to the next challenge!

Next, we will explore the Desktop! Start the challenge and click over to the Desktop on the navigation tab. This challenge requires you to open the terminal inside the Desktop, and we will give you the flag.

Next, we will learn to paste into the Desktop! You will need this secret token: f8e5eb3178faf47ce5692f7f618e8f6f0e8769de7dd67ffe62b4375430a31e1b9d18a9574e8231e98572. Launch a terminal in the desktop for further directions!

Hacking is a contact sport. There will be times when your attempts to hack through a level will result in irreparable damage to the workspace environment. When this happens, don't panic, you can just restart the challenge!

This level will guide you through this concept. On your first attempt, it will ask you for a password that you don't yet know. When you get this password wrong, it will tell you what the right one is, but will then destroy the challenge and the flag file. You'll need to restart the challenge (go back to this page and click the Start button below!) to try again.

Just start the terminal to give it a go. Good luck!

The actual files comprising the challenge live in the /challenge directory. Unlike previous challenges, which automatically ran when the terminal was opened, this challenge requires you to invoke the /challenge/solve program directly! Just by running it in a terminal, you will get the flag!

NOTE: This challenge, and the challenges below, begin to assume knowledge of the Linux commandline. If you happen to lack this knowledge, we recommend you first complete the Linux Luminarium, then resume this module!

So far, the challenges have been giving you flags directly. In this challenge, you will learn that the flag actually lives in the /flag file. Your real goal, in any challenge, is to get the contents of this file through any means necessary, even if the challenge program does not do it on purpose.

You might try to just read the /flag file on your own. Unfortunately for you, you are executing as the hacker user and /flag is only readable by the root user, so you cannot access it. In the previous challenges, the challenge program itself (e.g., /challenge/solve), which runs as the root user (and, thus, can read the flag), read this file and printed its contents, but this level is harder.

Like many of the other challenges on the platform, this challenge's /challenge/solve program will not read the flag file directly. However, it will make the flag world-readable when you run it! After that, you will need to read /flag yourself (e.g., using cat /flag or a text editor), and submit its contents as the solution.

Your home directory in the dojo is persistent between challenges. This means that when you start a new challenge, all of the files you have saved in there will still be there. You can use it to build up notes across multiple challenges in a module, reference old solutions, or rerun solutions perfected in Practice mode against challenges in non-Practice mode.

This challenge, and the next, will drive home the point by having you write a file in your home directory. Launch this challenge (/challenge/solve) and follow its instructions!

Now that you have created a file in your home directory, this challenge will use it! Launch this challenge (/challenge/solve) and follow its instructions!

In this challenge, you will invoke your first command! When you type a command and hit enter, the command will be invoked, as so:

hacker@dojo:~$ whoami

Here, the user executed the whoami command, which simply prints the username (hacker) to the terminal. When the command terminates, the shell once again displays the prompt, ready for the next command.

In this level, invoke the hello command to get the flag! Keep in mind: commands in Linux are case sensitive: hello is different from HELLO.

Let's try something more complicated: a command with arguments, which is what we call additional data passed to the command. When you type a line of text and hit enter, the shell actually parses your input into a command and its arguments. The first word is the command, and the subsequent words are arguments. Observe:

hacker@dojo:~$ echo Hello

In this case, the command was echo, and the argument was Hello. echo is a simple command that "echoes" all of its arguments back out onto the terminal, like you see in the session above.

Let's look at echo with multiple arguments:

hacker@dojo:~$ echo Hello Hackers!
Hello Hackers!

In this case, the command was echo, and Hello and Hackers! were the two arguments to echo. Simple!

In this challenge, to get the flag, you must run the hello command (NOT the echo command) with a single argument of hackers. Try it now!

Alright, so the filesystem starts at /. Under that, there are a whole mess of other directories, configuration files, programs, and, most importantly, flags. In this level, we've added a program right in /, called pwn, that will give you the flag. All you need to do for this level is to invoke this program!

You can invoke a program by providing its path on the command line. In this case, you'll be giving the exact path, starting from /, so the path would be /pwn. This style of path, one that starts with the root directory, is referred to as an "absolute path".

Start the challenge, launch a terminal, invoke the pwn program using its absolute path, and Capture that Flag! Good luck!

Let's explore a slightly more complicated path! Except for in the previous level, challenges in are in the challenge directory and the challenge directory is, in turn, right in the root directory (/). The path to the challenge the directory is, thus, /challenge. The name of the challenge program in this level is run, and it lives in the /challenge directory. Thus, the path to the run challenge program is /challenge/run.

This challenge again requires you to execute it by invoking its absolute path. You'll want to execute the run file that is in the challenge directory that is, in turn, in the / directory. If you invoke the challenge correctly, it will give you the flag. Good luck!

The Linux filesystem has tons of directories with tons of files. You can navigate around directories by using the cd (change directory) command and passing a path to it as an argument, as so:

hacker@dojo:~$ cd /some/new/directory
hacker@dojo:/some/new/directory$ cd /some/new/directory

This affects the "current working directory" of your process (in this case, the bash shell). Each process has a directory in which it's currently hanging out. The reasons for this will become clear later in the module.

As an aside, now you can see what the ~ was in the prompt! It shows the current path that your shell is located at.

This challenge will require you to execute the /challenge/run program from a specific path (which it will tell you). You'll need to cd to that directory before rerunning the challenge program. Good luck!

The Linux filesystem has tons of directories with tons of files. You can navigate around directories by using the cd (change directory) command and passing a path to it as an argument, as so:

hacker@dojo:~$ cd /some/new/directory
hacker@dojo:/some/new/directory$ cd /some/new/directory

This affects the "current working directory" of your process (in this case, the bash shell). Each process has a directory in which it's currently hanging out. The reasons for this will become clear later in the module.

As an aside, now you can see what the ~ was in the prompt! It shows the current path that your shell is located at.

This challenge will require you to execute the /challenge/run program from a specific path (which it will tell you). You'll need to cd to that directory before rerunning the challenge program. Good luck!

The Linux filesystem has tons of directories with tons of files. You can navigate around directories by using the cd (change directory) command and passing a path to it as an argument, as so:

hacker@dojo:~$ cd /some/new/directory
hacker@dojo:/some/new/directory$ cd /some/new/directory

This affects the "current working directory" of your process (in this case, the bash shell). Each process has a directory in which it's currently hanging out. The reasons for this will become clear later in the module.

As an aside, now you can see what the ~ was in the prompt! It shows the current path that your shell is located at.

This challenge will require you to execute the /challenge/run program from a specific path (which it will tell you). You'll need to cd to that directory before rerunning the challenge program. Good luck!

Now you're familiar with the concept of referring to absolute paths and changing directories. If you put in absolute paths everywhere, then it really doesn't matter what directory you are in, as you likely found out in the previous three challenges.

However, the current working directory does matter for relative paths.

  • A relative path is any path that does not start at root (i.e., it does not start with /).
  • A relative path is interpreted relative to your current working directory (cwd).
  • Your cwd is the directory that your prompt is currently located at.

This means how you specify a particular file, depends on where the terminal prompt is located.

Imagine we want to access some file located at /tmp/a/b/my_file.

  • If my cwd is /, then a relative path to the file is tmp/a/b/my_file.
  • If my cwd is /tmp, then a relative path to the file is a/b/my_file.
  • If my cwd is /tmp/a/b/c, then a relative path to the file is ../my_file. The .. refers to the parent directory.

Let's try it here! You'll need to run /challenge/run using a relative path while having a current working directory of /. For this level, I'll give you a hint. Your relative path starts with the letter c 😊

Previously, your relative path was "naked": it directly specified the directory to descend into from the current directory. In this level, we're going to explore more explicit relative paths.

In most operating systems, including Linux, every directory has two implicit entries that you can reference in paths: . and ... The first, ., refers right to the same directory, so the following absolute paths are all identical to each other:

  • /challenge
  • /challenge/.
  • /challenge/./././././././././
  • /./././challenge/././

The following relative paths are also all identical to each other:

  • challenge
  • ./challenge
  • ./././challenge
  • challenge/.

Of course, if your current working directory is /, the above relative paths are equivalent to the above absolute paths.

This challenge will get you using . in your relative paths. Get ready!

In this level, we'll practice refering to paths using . a bit more. This challenge will need you to run it from the /challenge directory. Here, things get slightly tricky.

Linux explicitly avoids automatically looking in the current directory when you provide a "naked" path. Consider the following:

hacker@dojo:~$ cd /challenge
hacker@dojo:/challenge$ run

This will not invoke /challenge/run. This is actually a safety measure: if Linux searched the current directory for programs every time you entered a naked path, you could accidentally execute programs in your current directory that happened to have the same names as core system utilities! As a result, the above commands will yield the following error:

bash: run: command not found

We'll explore the mechanisms behind this concept later, but in this challenge, will learn how to explicitly use relative paths to launch run in this scenario. The way to do this is to tell Linux that you explicitly want to execute a program in the current directory, using . like in the previous levels. Give it a try now!

Every user has a home directory, typically under /home in the filesystem. In the dojo, you are the hacker user, and your home directory is /home/hacker. The home directory is typically where users store most of their personal files. As you make your way through, this is where you'll store most of your solutions.

Typically, your shell session will start with your home directory as your current working directory. Consider the initial prompt:


The ~ in this prompt is the current working directory, with ~ being shorthand for /home/hacker. Bash provides and uses this shorthand because, again, most of your time will be spent in your home directory. Thus, whenever bash sees ~ provided as the start of an argument in a way consistent with a path, it will expand it to your home directory. Consider:

hacker@dojo:~$ echo LOOK: ~
LOOK: /home/hacker
hacker@dojo:~$ cd /
hacker@dojo:/$ cd ~
hacker@dojo:~$ cd ~/asdf
hacker@dojo:~/asdf$ cd ~/asdf
hacker@dojo:~/asdf$ cd ~
hacker@dojo:~$ cd /home/hacker/asdf

Note that the expansion of ~ is an absolute path, and only the leading ~ is expanded. This means, for example, that ~/~ will be expanded to /home/hacker/~ rather than /home/hacker/home/hacker.

Fun fact: cd will use your home directory as the default destination:

hacker@dojo:~$ cd /tmp
hacker@dojo:/tmp$ cd

Now it's your turn to play! In this challenge, /challenge/run will write a copy of the flag to any file you specify as an argument on the commandline, with these constraints:

  1. Your argument must be an absolute path.
  2. The path must be inside your home directory.
  3. Before expansion, your argument must be three characters or less.

One of the most critical Linux commands is cat. cat is most often used for reading out files, like so:

hacker@dojo:~$ cat /challenge/
One of the most critical Linux commands is `cat`.
`cat` is most often used for reading out files, like so:

cat will concatenate (hence the name) multiple files if provided multiple arguments. For example:

hacker@dojo:~$ cat myfile
This is my file!
hacker@dojo:~$ cat yourfile
This is your file!
hacker@dojo:~$ cat myfile yourfile
This is my file!
This is your file!
hacker@dojo:~$ cat myfile yourfile myfile
This is my file!
This is your file!
This is my file!

Finally, if you give no arguments at all, cat will read from the terminal input and output it. We'll explore that in later challenges...

In this challenge, I will copy the flag to the flag file in your home directory (where your shell starts). Go read it with cat!

In the last level, you did cat flag to read the flag out of your home directory! You can, of course, specify cat's arguments as absolute paths:

hacker@dojo:~$ cat /challenge/
In the last level, you did `cat flag` to read the flag out of your home directory!
You can, of course, specify `cat`'s arguments as absolute paths:

In this directory, I will not copy it to your home directory, but I will make it readable. You can read it with cat at its absolute path: /flag.

FUN FACT: /flag is where the flag always lives in, but unlike in this challenge, you typically can't access that file directly.

You can specify all sorts of paths as arguments to commands, and we'll practice some more with cat. In this level, I'll put the flag in some crazy directory, and I will not allow you to change directories with cd, so no cat flag for you. You must retrieve the flag by absolute path, wherever it is.

Sometimes, the files that you might cat out are too big. Luckily, we have the grep command to search for the contents we need! We'll learn it in this challenge.

There are many ways to grep, and we'll learn on way here:

hacker@dojo:~$ grep SEARCH_STRING /path/to/file

Invoked like this, grep will search the file for lines of text containing SEARCH_STRING and print them to the console.

In this challenge, I've put a hundred thousand lines of text into the /challenge/data.txt file. Grep it for the flag!

HINT: The flag always starts with the text

So far, we've told you which files to interact with. But directories can have lots of files (and other directories) inside them, and we won't always be here to tell you their names. You'll need to learn to list their contents using the ls command!

ls will list files in all the directories provided to it as arguments, and in the current directory if no arguments are provided. Observe:

hacker@dojo:~$ ls /challenge
hacker@dojo:~$ ls
Desktop    Downloads  Pictures  Templates
Documents  Music      Public    Videos
hacker@dojo:~$ ls /home/hacker
Desktop    Downloads  Pictures  Templates
Documents  Music      Public    Videos

In this challenge, we've named /challenge/run with some random name! List the files in /challenge to find it.

Of course, you can also create files! There are several ways to do this, but we'll look at a simple command here. You can create a new, blank file by touching it with the touch command:

hacker@dojo:~$ cd /tmp
hacker@dojo:/tmp$ ls
hacker@dojo:/tmp$ touch pwnfile
hacker@dojo:/tmp$ ls

It's that simple! In this level, please create two files: /tmp/pwn and /tmp/college, and run /challenge/run to get your flag!

Files are all around you. Like candy wrappers, there'll eventually be too many of them. In this level, we'll learn to clean up!

In Linux, you remove files with the rm command, as so:

hacker@dojo:~$ touch PWN
hacker@dojo:~$ touch COLLEGE
hacker@dojo:~$ ls
hacker@dojo:~$ rm PWN
hacker@dojo:~$ ls

Let's practice. This challenge will create a delete_me file in your home directory! Delete it, then run /challenge/check, which will make sure you've deleted it and then give you the flag!

Interestingly, ls doesn't list all the files by default. Linux has a convention where files that start with a . don't show up by default in ls and in a few other contexts. To view them with ls, you need to invoke ls with the -a flag, as so:

hacker@dojo:~$ touch pwn
hacker@dojo:~$ touch .college
hacker@dojo:~$ ls
hacker@dojo:~$ ls -a
.college	pwn

Now, it's your turn! Go find the flag, hidden as a dot-prepended file in /.

With your knowledge of cd, ls, and cat, we're ready to play a little game!

We'll start it out in /. Normally:

hacker@dojo:~$ cd /
hacker@dojo:/$ ls
bin   challenge  etc   home  lib32  libx32  mnt  proc  run   srv  tmp  var
boot  dev        flag  lib   lib64  media   opt  root  sbin  sys  usr

That's a lot of contents! One day, you will be quite familiar with them, but already, you might recognize the flag file and the challenge directory.

In this challenge, I have hidden the flag! Here, you will use ls and cat to follow my breadcrumbs and find it! Here's how it'll work:

  1. Your first clue is in /. Head on over there.
  2. Look around with ls. There'll be a file named HINT or CLUE or something along those lines!
  3. cat that file to read the clue!
  4. Depending on what the clue says, head on over to the next directory (or don't!).
  5. Follow the clues to the flag!

Good luck!

We can create files. How about directories? You make directories using the mkdir command. Then you can stick files in there!


hacker@dojo:~$ cd /tmp
hacker@dojo:/tmp$ ls
hacker@dojo:/tmp$ ls
hacker@dojo:/tmp$ mkdir my_directory
hacker@dojo:/tmp$ ls
hacker@dojo:/tmp$ cd my_directory
hacker@dojo:/tmp/my_directory$ touch my_file
hacker@dojo:/tmp/my_directory$ ls
hacker@dojo:/tmp/my_directory$ ls /tmp/my_directory/my_file

Now, go forth and create a /tmp/pwn directory and make a college file in it! Then run /challenge/run, which will check your solution and give you the flag!

So now we know how to list, read, and create files. But how do we find them? We use the find command!

The find command takes optional arguments describing the search criteria and the search location. If you don't specify a search criteria, find matches every file. If you don't specify a search location, find uses the current working directory (.). For example:

hacker@dojo:~$ mkdir my_directory
hacker@dojo:~$ mkdir my_directory/my_subdirectory
hacker@dojo:~$ touch my_directory/my_file
hacker@dojo:~$ touch my_directory/my_subdirectory/my_subfile
hacker@dojo:~$ find

And when specifying the search location:

hacker@dojo:~$ find my_directory/my_subdirectory

And, of course, we can specify the criteria! For example, here, we filter by name:

hacker@dojo:~$ find -name my_subfile
hacker@dojo:~$ find -name my_subdirectory

You can search the whole filesystem if you want!

hacker@dojo:~$ find / -name hacker

Now it's your turn. I've hidden the flag in a random directory on the filesystem. It's still called flag. Go find it!

Several notes. First, there are other files named flag on the filesystem. Don't panic if the first one you try doesn't have the actual flag in it. Second, there're plenty of places in the filesystem that are not accessible to a normal user. These will cause find to generate errors, but you can ignore those; we won't hide the flag there! Finally, find can take a while; be patient!

If you use Linux (or computers) for any reasonable length of time to do any real work, you will eventually run into some variant of the following situation: you want two programs to access the same data, but the programs expect that data to be in two different locations. Luckily, Linux provides a solution to this quandry: links.

Links come in two flavors: hard and soft (also known as symbolic) links. We'll differentiate the two with an analogy:

  • A hard link is when you address your appartment using multiple addresses that all lead directly to the same place (e.g., Apt 2 vs Unit 2).
  • A soft link is when you move appartments and have the postal service automatically forward your mail from your old place to your new place.

In a filesystem, a file is, conceptually, an address at which the contents of that file live. A hard link is an alternate address that indexes that data --- accesses to the hard link and accesses to the original file are completely identical, in that they immediate yield the necessary data. A soft/symbolic link, instead, contains the original file name. When you access the symbolic link, Linux will realize that it is a symbolic link, read the original file name, and then (typically) automatically access that file. In most cases, both situations result in accessing the original data, but the mechanisms are different.

Hard links sound simpler to most people (case in point, I explained it in one sentence above, versus two for soft links), but they have various downsides and implementation gotchas that make soft/symbolic links, by far, the more popular alternative.

In this challenge, we will learn about symbolic links (also also known as symlinks). Symbolic links are created with the ln command with the -s argument, like so:

hacker@dojo:~$ cat /tmp/myfile
This is my file!
hacker@dojo:~$ ln -s /tmp/myfile /home/hacker/ourfile
hacker@dojo:~$ cat ~/ourfile
This is my file!

You can see that accessing the symlink results in getting the original file contents! Also, you can see the usage of ln -s. Note that the original file path comes before the link path in the command!

A symlink can be identified as such with a few methods. For example, the file command, which takes a filename and tells you what type of file it is, will recognize symlinks:

hacker@dojo:~$ file /tmp/myfile
/tmp/myfile: ASCII text
hacker@dojo:~$ file ~/ourfile
/home/hacker/ourfile: symbolic link to /tmp/myfile

Okay, now you try it! In this level the flag is, as always, in /flag, but /challenge/catflag will instead read out /home/hacker/not-the-flag. Use the symlink, and fool it into giving you the flag!

The typical need you'll have for documentation is just to figure out how to use all these dang programs, and a specific case of that is figuring out what arguments to specify on the command line. This module will mostly dig into that concept, as a proxy for figuring out how to use the programs in general. Through the rest of the module, you'll go through various ways of asking the environment for help for the programs, but first, we'll dig into the concept of reading documentation.

The correct usage of programs depends, in a large part, in the proper specification of arguments to them. Recall the -a of ls -a in the hidden files challenge of the Basic Commands module: that -a was an argument that told ls to list out hidden files as well as non-hidden files. Because we wanted to list out hidden files, invoking ls with the -a argument was the correct way to use it in our scenario.

The program for this challenge is /challenge/challenge, and you'll need to invoke it properly in order for it to give you the flag. Let's pretend that this is its documentation:

Welcome to the documentation for /challenge/challenge! To properly run this program, you will need to pass it the argument of --giveflag. Good luck!

Given that knowledge, go get the flag!

While using most commands is straightforward, the usage of some commands can get quite complex. For example, the arguments to commands like sed and awk, which we're definitely not getting into right now, are entire programs in an esoteric programming language! Somewhere on the spectrum between cd and awk are commands that take arguments to their arguments...

This sounds crazy, but you've already encountered this with the find level in Basic Commands. find has a -name argument, and the -name argument itself takes an argument specifying the name to search for. Many other commands are analogous.

Here is this level's documentation for /challenge/challenge:

Welcome to the documentation for /challenge/challenge! This program allows you to print arbitrary files to the terminal, when given the --printfile argument. The argument to the --printfile argument is the path of the flag to read. For example, /challenge/challenge --printfile /challenge/ will print out the description of the level!

Given that documentation, go get the flag!

This level introduces the man command. man is short for manual, and will display (if available) the manual of the command you pass as an argument. For example, let's say we wanted to learn about the yes command (yes, this is a real command):

hacker@dojo:~$ man yes

This will display the manual page for yes, which will look something like this:

YES(1)                           User Commands                          YES(1)

       yes - output a string repeatedly until killed

       yes [STRING]...
       yes OPTION

       Repeatedly output a line with all specified STRING(s), or 'y'.

       --help display this help and exit

              output version information and exit

       Written by David MacKenzie.

       GNU coreutils online help: <>
       Report any translation bugs to <>

       Copyright  ©  2020  Free Software Foundation, Inc.  License GPLv3+: GNU
       GPL version 3 or later <>.
       This is free software: you are free  to  change  and  redistribute  it.
       There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.

       Full documentation <>
       or available locally via: info '(coreutils) yes invocation'

GNU coreutils 8.32               February 2022                          YES(1)

The important sections are:

NAME(1)                           CATEGORY                          NAME(1)

	This gives the name (and short description) of the command or
	concept discussed by the page.

	This gives a short usage synopsis. These synopses have a standard
	format. Typically, each line is a different valid invocation of the
	command, and the lines can be read as:


	Details of the command or concept, with detailed descriptions
	of the various options.

	Other man pages or online resources that might be useful.

COLLECTION                        DATE                          NAME(1)

You can scroll around the manpage with your arrow keys and PgUp/PgDn. When you're done reading the manpage, you can hit q to quit.

Manpages are stored in a centralized database. If you're curious, this database lives in the /usr/share/man directory, but you never need to interact with it directly: you just query it using the man command. The arguments to the man command aren't file paths, but just the names of the entries themselves (e.g., you run man yes to look up the yes manpage, rather than man /usr/bin/yes, which would be the actual path to the yes program but would result in man displaying garbage).

The challenge in this level has a secret option that, when you use it, will cause the challenge to print the flag. You must learn this option through the man page for challenge!

You can scroll man pages with the arrow keys (and PgUp/PgDn) and search with /. After searching, you can hit n to go to the next result and N to go to the previous result. Instead of /, you can use ? to search backwards!

Find the option that will give you the flag by reading the challenge man page.

This level is tricky: it hides the manpage for the challenge by randomizing its name. Luckily, all of the man pages are gathered in a searchable database, so you'll be able to search the man page database to find the hidden challenge man page! To figure out how to search for the right man page, read the man page manpage by doing: man man!

HINT 1: man man teaches you advanced usage of the man command itself, and you must use this knowledge to figure out how to search for the hidden manpage that will tell you how to use /challenge/challenge

HINT 2: though the man page is randomly named, you still actually use /challenge/challenge to get the flag!

Some programs don't have a man page, but might tell you how to run them if invoked with a special argument. Usually, this argument is --help, but it can often be -h or, in rare cases, -?, help, or other esoteric values like /? (though that latter is more frequently encountered on Windows).

In this level, you will practice reading a program's documentation with --help. Try it out!

Some commands, rather than being programs with man pages and help options, are built into the shell itself. These are called builtins. Builtins are invoked just like commands, but the shell handles them internally instead of launching other programs. You can get a list of shell builtins by running the builtin help, as so:

hacker@dojo:~$ help

You can get help on a specific one by passing it to the help builtin. Let's look at a builtin that we've already used earlier, cd!

hacker@dojo:~$ help cd
cd: cd [-L|[-P [-e]] [-@]] [dir]
    Change the shell working directory.
    Change the current directory to DIR.  The default DIR is the value of the
    HOME shell variable.

Some good information! In this challenge, we'll practice using help to look up help for builtins. This challenge's challenge command is a shell builtin, rather than a program. Like before, you need to lookup its help to figure out the secret value to pass to it!

The first glob we'll learn is *. When it encounters a * character in any argument, the shell will treat it as "wildcard" and try to replace that argument with any files that match the pattern. It's easier to show you than explain:

hacker@dojo:~$ touch file_a
hacker@dojo:~$ touch file_b
hacker@dojo:~$ touch file_c
hacker@dojo:~$ ls
file_a	file_b	file_c
hacker@dojo:~$ echo Look: file_*
Look: file_a file_b file_c

Of course, though in this case, the glob resulted in multiple arguments, it can just as simply match only one. For example:

hacker@dojo:~$ touch file_a
hacker@dojo:~$ ls
hacker@dojo:~$ echo Look: file_*
Look: file_a

When zero files are matched, by default, the shell leaves the glob unchanged:

hacker@dojo:~$ touch file_a
hacker@dojo:~$ ls
hacker@dojo:~$ echo Look: nope_*
Look: nope_*

The * matches any part of the filename except for / or a leading . character. For example:

hacker@dojo:~$ echo ONE: /ho*/*ck*
ONE: /home/hacker
hacker@dojo:~$ echo TWO: /*/hacker
TWO: /home/hacker
hacker@dojo:~$ echo THREE: ../*
THREE: ../hacker

Now, practice this yourself! Starting from your home directory, change your directory to /challenge, but use globbing to keep the argument you pass to cd to at most four characters! Once you're there, run /challenge/run for the flag!

Next, let's learn about ?. When it encounters a ? character in any argument, the shell will treat it as single-character wildcard. This works like *, but only matches one character. For example:

hacker@dojo:~$ touch file_a
hacker@dojo:~$ touch file_b
hacker@dojo:~$ touch file_cc
hacker@dojo:~$ ls
file_a	file_b	file_cc
hacker@dojo:~$ echo Look: file_?
Look: file_a file_b
hacker@dojo:~$ echo Look: file_??
Look: file_cc

Now, practice this yourself! Starting from your home directory, change your directory to /challenge, but use the ? character instead of c and l in the argument to cd! Once you're there, run /challenge/run for the flag!

Next, we will cover []. The square brackes are, essentially, a limited form of ?, in that instead of matching any character, [] is a wildcard for some subset of potential characters, specified within the brackets. For example, [pwn] will match the character p, w, or n. For example:

hacker@dojo:~$ touch file_a
hacker@dojo:~$ touch file_b
hacker@dojo:~$ touch file_c
hacker@dojo:~$ ls
file_a	file_b	file_c
hacker@dojo:~$ echo Look: file_[ab]
Look: file_a file_b

Try it here! We've placed a bunch of files in /challenge/files. Change your working directory to /challenge/files and run /challenge/run with a single argument that bracket-globs into file_b, file_a, file_s, and file_h!

Globbing happens on a path basis, so you can expand entire paths with your globbed arguments. For example:

hacker@dojo:~$ touch file_a
hacker@dojo:~$ touch file_b
hacker@dojo:~$ touch file_c
hacker@dojo:~$ ls
file_a	file_b	file_c
hacker@dojo:~$ echo Look: /home/hacker/file_[ab]
Look: /home/hacker/file_a /home/hacker/file_b

Now it's your turn. Once more, we've placed a bunch of files in /challenge/files. Starting from your home directory, run /challenge/run with a single argument that bracket-globs into the absolute paths to the file_b, file_a, file_s, and file_h files!

Now, let's put the previous levels together! We put a few happy, but diversely-named files in /challenge/files. Go cd there and, using the globbing you've learned, write a single, short (6 characters or less) glob that will match the files "challenging", "educational", and "pwning"!

Sometimes, you want to filter out files in a glob! Luckily, [] helps you do just this. If the first character in the brackets is a ! or (in newer versions of bash) a ^, the glob inverts, and that bracket instance matches characters that aren't listed. For example:

hacker@dojo:~$ touch file_a
hacker@dojo:~$ touch file_b
hacker@dojo:~$ touch file_c
hacker@dojo:~$ ls
file_a	file_b	file_c
hacker@dojo:~$ echo Look: file_[!ab]
Look: file_c
hacker@dojo:~$ echo Look: file_[^ab]
Look: file_c
hacker@dojo:~$ echo Look: file_[ab]
Look: file_a file_b

Armed with this knowledge, go forth to /challenge/files and run /challenge/run with all files that don't start with p, w, or n!

NOTE: The ! character has a different special meaning in bash when it's not the first character of a [] glob, so keep that in mind if things stop making sense! ^ does not have this problem, but is also not compatible with older shells.

First, let's look at redirect stdout to files. You can accomplish this with the > character, as so:

hacker@dojo:~$ echo hi > asdf

This will redirect the output of echo hi (which will be hi) to the file asdf. You can then use a program such as cat to output this file:

hacker@dojo:~$ cat asdf

In this challenge, you must use this input redirection to write the word PWN (all uppercase) to the filename COLLEGE (all uppercase).

Aside from redirecting the output of echo, you can, of course, redirect the output of any command. In this level, /challenge/run will once more give you a flag, but only if you redirect its output to the file myflag. Your flag will, of course, end up in the myflag file!

You'll notice that /challenge/run will still happily print to your terminal, despite you redirecting stdout. That's because it communicates its instructions and feedback over standard error, and only prints the flag over standard out!

A common use-case of output redirection is to save off some command results for later analysis. Often times, you want to do this in aggregate: run a bunch of commands, save their output, and grep through it later. In this case, you might want all that output to keep appending to the same file, but > will create a new output file every time, deleting the old contents.

You can redirect input in append mode using >> instead of >, as so:

hacker@dojo:~$ echo pwn > outfile
hacker@dojo:~$ echo college >> outfile
hacker@dojo:~$ cat outfile

To practice, run /challenge/run with an append-mode redirect of the output to the file /home/hacker/the-flag. The practice will write the first half of the flag to the file, and the second half to stdout if stdout is redirected to the file. If you properly redirect in append-mode, the second half will be appended to the first, but if you redirect in truncation mode (>), the second half will overwrite the first and you won't get the flag!

Go for it now!

Just like standard output, you can also redirect the error channel of commands. Here, we'll learn about File Descriptor numbers. A File Descriptor (FD) is a number that describes a communication channel in Linux. You've already been using them, even though you didn't realize it. We're already familiar with three:

  • FD 0: Standard Input
  • FD 1: Standard Output
  • FD 2: Standard Error

When you redirect process communication, you do it by FD number, though some FD numbers are implicit. For example, a > without a number implies 1>, which redirects FD 1 (Standard Output). Thus, the following two commands are equivalent:

hacker@dojo:~$ echo hi > asdf
hacker@dojo:~$ echo hi 1> asdf

Redirecting errors is pretty easy from this point. If you have a command that might produce data via standard error (such as /challenge/run), you can do:

hacker@dojo:~$ /challenge/run 2> errors.log

That will redirect standard error (FD 2) to the errors.log file. Furthermore, you can redirect multiple file descriptors at the same time! For example:

hacker@dojo:~$ some_command > output.log 2> errors.log

That command will redirect output to output.log and errors to errors.log.

Let's put this into practice! In this challenge, you will need to redirect the output of /challenge/run, like before, to myflag, and the "errors" (in our case, the instructions) to instructions. You'll notice that nothing will be printed to the terminal, because you have redirected everything! You can find the instructions/feedback in instructions and the flag in myflag when you successfully pull this off!

Just like you can redirect output from programs, you can redirect input to programs! This is done using <, as so:

hacker@dojo:~$ echo yo > message
hacker@dojo:~$ cat message
hacker@dojo:~$ rev < message

You can do interesting things with a lot of different programs using input redirection! In this level, we will practice using /challenge/run, which will require you to redirect the PWN file to it and have the PWN file contain the value COLLEGE! To write that value to the PWN file, recall the prior challenge on output redirection from echo!

You know how to run commands, how to redirect their output (e.g., >), and how to search through the resulting file (e.g., grep). Let's put this together!

In preparation for more complex levels, we want you to:

  1. Redirect the output of /challenge/run to /tmp/data.txt.
  2. This will result in a hundred thousand lines of text, with one of them being the flag, in /tmp/data.txt.
  3. Grep that for the flag!

It turns out that you can "cut out the middleman" and avoid the need to store results to a file, like you did in the last level. You can do this by using the | (pipe) operator. Standard output from the command to the left of the pipe will be connected to (piped into) the standard input of the command to the right of the pipe. For example:

hacker@dojo:~$ echo no-no | grep yes
hacker@dojo:~$ echo yes-yes | grep yes
hacker@dojo:~$ echo yes-yes | grep no
hacker@dojo:~$ echo no-no | grep no

Now try it for yourself! /challenge/run will output a hundred thousand lines of text, including the flag. Grep for the flag!

You know how to redirect errors to a file, and you know how to pipe output to another program, such as grep. But what if you wanted to grep through errors directly?

The > operator redirects a given file descriptor to a file, and you've used 2> to redirect fd 2, which is standard error. The | operator redirects only standard output to another program, and there is no 2| form of the operator! It can only redirect standard output (file descriptor 1).

Luckily, where there's a shell, there's a way!

The shell has a >& operator, which redirects a file descriptor to another file descriptor. This means that we can have a two-step process to grep through errors: first, we redirect standard error to standard output (2>& 1) and then pipe the now-combined stderr and stdout as normal (|)!

Try it now! Like the last level, this level will overwhelm you with output, but this time on standard error. Grep through it to find the flag!

When you pipe data from one command to another, you of course no longer see it on your screen. This is not always desired: for example, you might want to see the data as it flows through between your commands to debug unintended outcomes (e.g., "why did that second command not work???").

Luckily, there is a solution! The tee command, named after a "T-splitter" from plumbing pipes, duplicates data flowing through your pipes to any number of files provided on the command line. For example:

hacker@dojo:~$ echo hi | tee pwn college
hacker@dojo:~$ cat pwn
hacker@dojo:~$ cat college

As you can see, by providing two files to tee, we ended up with three copies of the piped-in data: one to stdout, one to the pwn file, and one to the college file. You can imagine how you might use this to debug things going haywire:

hacker@dojo:~$ command_1 | command_2
Command 2 failed!
hacker@dojo:~$ command_1 | tee cmd1_output | command_2
Command 2 failed!
hacker@dojo:~$ cat cmd1_output
Command 1 failed: must pass --succeed!
hacker@dojo:~$ command_1 --succeed | command_2
Commands succeeded!

Now, you try it! This process' /challenge/pwn must be piped into /challenge/college, but you'll need to intercept the data to see what pwn needs from you!

Okay, so you can duplicate data to two files with tee:

hacker@dojo:~$ echo HACK | tee THE > PLANET
hacker@dojo:~$ cat THE
hacker@dojo:~$ cat PLANET

And you've used tee to duplicate data to a file and a command:

hacker@dojo:~$ echo HACK | tee THE | cat
hacker@dojo:~$ cat THE

But what about duplicating to two commands? As tee says in its manpage, it's designed to write to files and to standard output:

TEE(1)                           User Commands                          TEE(1)

       tee - read from standard input and write to standard output and files

Luckily, Linux follows the philosophy that "everything is a file". This is, the system strives to provide file-like access to most resources, including the input and output of running programs! The shell follows this philosophy, allowing you to, for example, use any utility that takes file arguments on the command line (such as tee) and hook it up to the input or output side of a program!

This is done using what's called Process Substitution. If you write an argument of >(rev), bash will run the rev command (this command reads data from standard input, reverses its order, and writes it to standard output!), but hook up its input to a temporary file that it will create. This isn't a real file, of course, it's what's called a named pipe, in that it has a file name:

hacker@dojo:~$ echo >(rev)

Where did /dev/fd/63 come from? bash replaced >(rev) with the path of the named pipe file that's hooked up to rev's input! While the command is running, writing to this file will pipe data to the standard input of the command. Typically, this is done using commands that take output files as arguments (like tee):

hacker@dojo:~$ echo HACK | rev
hacker@dojo:~$ echo HACK | tee >(rev)

Above, the following sequence of events took place:

  1. bash started up the rev command, hooking a named pipe (presumably /dev/fd/63) to rev's standard input
  2. bash started up the tee command, hooking a pipe to its standard input, and replacing the first argument to tee with /dev/fd/63. tee never even saw the argument >(rev); the shell substituted it before launching tee
  3. bash used the echo builtin to print HACK into tee's standard input
  4. tee read HACK, wrote it to standard output, and then wrote it to /dev/fd/63 (which is connected to rev's stdin)
  5. rev read HACK from its standard input, reversed it, and wrote KCAH to standard output

Now it's your turn! In this challenge, we have /challenge/hack, /challenge/the, and /challenge/planet. Run the /challenge/hack command, and duplicate its output as input to both the /challenge/the and the /challenge/planet commands!


The observant learner will realize that the following are equivalant:

hacker@dojo:~$ echo hi | rev
hacker@dojo:~$ echo hi > >(rev)

More than one way to pipe data! Of course, the second route is way harder to read and also harder to expand. For example:

hacker@dojo:~$ echo hi | rev | rev
hacker@dojo:~$ echo hi > >(rev | rev)

That's just silly! The lesson here is that, while Process Substitution is a powerful tool in your toolbox, it's a very specialized tool; don't use it for everything!

Now, let's put your knowledge together. You must master the ultimate piping task: redirect stdout to one program and stderr to another.

The challenge here, of course, is that the | operator links the stdout of the left command with the stdin of the right command. Of course, you've used 2>&1 to redirect stderr into stdout and, thus, pipe stderr over, but this then mixes stderr and stdout. How to keep it unmixed?

You will need to combine your knowledge of >(), 2>, and |. How to do it is a task I'll leave to you.

In this challenge, you have:

  • /challenge/hack: this produces data on stdout and stderr
  • /challenge/the: you must redirect hack's stderr to this program
  • /challenge/planet: you must redirect hack's stdout to this program

Go get the flag!

Let's start with printing variables out. The /challenge/run program will not, and cannot, give you the flag, but that's okay, because the flag has been put into the variable called "FLAG"! Just have your shell print it out!

You can accomplish this using a number of ways, but we'll start with echo. This command just prints stuff. For example:

hacker@dojo:~$ echo Hello Hackers!
Hello Hackers!

You can also print out variables with echo, by prepending the variable name with a $. For example, there is a variable, PWD, that always holds the current working directory of the current shell. You print it out as so:

hacker@dojo:~$ echo $PWD

Now it's your turn. Have your shell print out the FLAG variable and solve this challenge!

Naturally, as well as reading values stored in variables, you can write values to variables. This is done, as with many other languages, using =. To set variable VAR to value 1337, you would use:

hacker@dojo:~$ VAR=1337

Note that there are no spaces around the =! If you put spaces (e.g., VAR = 1337), the shell won't recognize a variable assignment and will, instead, try to run the VAR command (which does not exist).

Also note that this uses VAR and not $VAR: the $ is only prepended to access variables. In shell terms, this prepending of $ triggers what is called variable expansion, and is, surprisingly, the source of many potential vulnerabilities (if you're interested in that, check out the Art of the Shell dojo when you get comfortable with the command line!).

After setting variables, you can access them using the techniques you've learned previously, such as:

hacker@dojo:~$ echo $VAR

To solve this level, you must set the PWN variable to the value COLLEGE. Be careful: both the names and values of variables are case-sensitive! PWN is not the same as pwn and COLLEGE is not the same as College.

In this level, you will learn about quoting. Spaces have special significance in the shell, and there are places where you can't use them spuriously. Recall our variable setting:

hacker@dojo:~$ VAR=1337

That sets the VAR variable to 1337, but what if you wanted to set it to 1337 SAUCE? You might try the following:

hacker@dojo:~$ VAR=1337 SAUCE

This looks reasonable, but it does not work, for similar reasons to needing to have no spaces around the =. When the shell sees a space, it ends the variable assignment and interprets the next word (SAUCE in this case) as a command. To set VAR to 1337 SAUCE, you need to quote it:

hacker@dojo:~$ VAR="1337 SAUCE"

Here, the shell reads 1337 SAUCE as a single token, and happily sets that value to VAR. In this level, you'll need to set the variable PWN to COLLEGE YEAH. Good luck!

By default, variables that you set in a shell session are local to that shell process. That is, other commands you run won't inherit them. You can experiment with this by simply invoking another shell process in your own shell, like so:

hacker@dojo:~$ VAR=1337
hacker@dojo:~$ echo "VAR is: $VAR"
VAR is: 1337
hacker@dojo:~$ sh
$ echo "VAR is: $VAR"
VAR is: 

In the output above, the $ prompt is the prompt of sh, a minimal shell implementation that invoked as a child of the main shell process. And it does not receive the VAR variable!

This makes sense, of course. Your shell variables might have sensitive or weird data, and you don't want it leaking to other programs you run unless it explicitly should. How do you mark that it should? You export your variables. When you export your variables, they are passed into the environment variables of child processes. You'll encounter the concept of environment variables in other challenges, but you'll observe their effects here. Here is an example:

hacker@dojo:~$ VAR=1337
hacker@dojo:~$ export VAR
hacker@dojo:~$ sh
$ echo "VAR is: $VAR"
VAR is: 1337

Here, the child shell received the value of VAR and was able to print it out! You can also combine those first two lines.

hacker@dojo:~$ export VAR=1337
hacker@dojo:~$ sh
$ echo "VAR is: $VAR"
VAR is: 1337

In this challenge, you must invoke /challenge/run with the PWN variable exported and set to the value COLLEGE, and the COLLEGE variable set to the value PWN but not exported (e.g., not inherited by /challenge/run). Good luck!

There are multiple ways to access variables in bash. echo was just one of them, and we'll now learn at least one more in this challenge.

Try the env command: it'll print out every exported variable set in your shell, and you can look through that output to find the FLAG variable!

In the course of working with the shell, you will often want to store the output of some command into a variable. Luckily, the shell makes this quite easy using something called Command Substitution! Observe:

hacker@dojo:~$ FLAG=$(cat /flag)
hacker@dojo:~$ echo "$FLAG"{blahblahblah}

Neat! Now, you practice. Read the output of the /challenge/run command directly into a variable called PWN, and it will contain the flag!

Trivia: You can also backticks instead of $(): FLAG=`cat /flag` instead of FLAG=$(cat /flag) in the example above. This is an older format, and has some disadvantages (for example, imagine if you wanted to nest command substitutions. How would you do $(cat $(find / -name flag)) with backticks? The official stance of is that you should use $(blah) instead of `blah`.

We'll start with reading input from the user (you). That's done using the aptly named read builtin, which reads input!

Here is an example using the -p argument, which lets you specify a prompt (otherwise, it would be hard for you, reading this now, to separate input from output in the example below):

hacker@dojo:~$ read -p "INPUT: " MY_VARIABLE
INPUT: Hello!
hacker@dojo:~$ echo "You entered: $MY_VARIABLE"
You entered: Hello!

Keep in mind, read reads data from your standard input! The first Hello!, above, was inputted rather than outputted. Let's try to be more explicit with that. Here, we annotated the beginning of each line with whether the line represents INPUT from the user or OUTPUT to the user:

 INPUT: hacker@dojo:~$ echo $MY_VARIABLE
 INPUT: hacker@dojo:~$ read MY_VARIABLE
 INPUT: Hello!
 INPUT: hacker@dojo:~$ echo "You entered: $MY_VARIABLE"
OUTPUT: You entered: Hello!

In this challenge, your job is to use read to set the PWN variable to the value COLLEGE. Good luck!

Often, when shell users want to read a file into an environment variable, they do something like:

hacker@dojo:~$ echo "test" > some_file
hacker@dojo:~$ VAR=$(cat some_file)
hacker@dojo:~$ echo $VAR

This works, but it represents what grouchy hackers call a "Useless Use of Cat". That is, running a whole other program just to read the file is a waste. It turns out that you can just use the powers of the shell!

Previously, you read user input into a variable. You've also previously redirected files into command input! Put them together, and you can read files with the shell.

hacker@dojo:~$ echo "test" > some_file
hacker@dojo:~$ read VAR < some_file
hacker@dojo:~$ echo $VAR

What happened there? The example redirects some_file into the standard input of read, and so when read reads into VAR, it reads from the file! Now, use that to read /challenge/read_me into the PWN environment variable, and we'll give you the flag! The /challenge/read_me will keep changing, so you'll need to read it right into the PWN variable with one command!

First, we will learn to list running processes using the ps command. Depending on whom you ask, ps either stands for "process snapshot" or "process status", and it lists processes. By default, ps just lists the processes running in your terminal, which honestly isn't very useful:

hacker@dojo:~$ ps
    PID TTY          TIME CMD
    329 pts/0    00:00:00 bash
    349 pts/0    00:00:00 ps

In the above example, we have the shell (bash) and the ps process itself, and that's all that's running on that specific terminal. We also see that each process has a numerical identifier (the Process ID, or PID), which is a number that uniquely identifies every running process in a Linux environment. We also see the terminal on which the commands are running (in this case, the designation pts/0), and the total amount of cpu time that the process has eaten up so far (since these processes are very undemanding, they have yet to eat up even 1 second!).

In the majority of cases, this is all that you'll see with a default ps. To make it useful, we need to pass a few arguments.

As ps is a very old utility, its usage is a bit of a mess. There are two ways to specify arguments.

"Standard" Syntax: in this syntax, you can use -e to list "every" process and -f for a "full format" output, including arguments. These can be combined into a single argument -ef.

"BSD" Syntax: in this syntax, you can use a to list processes for all users, x to list processes that aren't running in a terminal, and u for a "user-readable" output. These can be combined into a single argument aux.

These two methods, ps -ef and ps aux result in slightly different, but cross-recognizable output.

Let's try it in the dojo:

hacker@dojo:~$ ps -ef
UID          PID    PPID  C STIME TTY          TIME CMD
hacker         1       0  0 05:34 ?        00:00:00 /sbin/docker-init -- /bin/sleep 6h
hacker         7       1  0 05:34 ?        00:00:00 /bin/sleep 6h
hacker       102       1  1 05:34 ?        00:00:00 /usr/lib/code-server/lib/node /usr/lib/code-server --auth=none -
hacker       138     102 11 05:34 ?        00:00:07 /usr/lib/code-server/lib/node /usr/lib/code-server/out/node/entr
hacker       287     138  0 05:34 ?        00:00:00 /usr/lib/code-server/lib/node /usr/lib/code-server/lib/vscode/ou
hacker       318     138  6 05:34 ?        00:00:03 /usr/lib/code-server/lib/node --dns-result-order=ipv4first /usr/
hacker       554     138  3 05:35 ?        00:00:00 /usr/lib/code-server/lib/node /usr/lib/code-server/lib/vscode/ou
hacker       571     554  0 05:35 pts/0    00:00:00 /usr/bin/bash --init-file /usr/lib/code-server/lib/vscode/out/vs
hacker       695     571  0 05:35 pts/0    00:00:00 ps -ef

You can see here that there are processes running for the initialization of the challenge environment (docker-init), a timeout before the challenge is automatically terminated to preserve computing resources (sleep 6h to timeout after 6 hours), the VSCode environment (several code-server helper processes), the shell (bash), and my ps -ef command. It's basically the same thing with ps aux:

hacker@dojo:~$ ps aux
hacker         1  0.0  0.0   1128     4 ?        Ss   05:34   0:00 /sbin/docker-init -- /bin/sleep 6h
hacker         7  0.0  0.0   2736   580 ?        S    05:34   0:00 /bin/sleep 6h
hacker       102  0.4  0.0 723944 64660 ?        Sl   05:34   0:00 /usr/lib/code-server/lib/node /usr/lib/code-serve
hacker       138  3.3  0.0 968792 106272 ?       Sl   05:34   0:07 /usr/lib/code-server/lib/node /usr/lib/code-serve
hacker       287  0.0  0.0 717648 53136 ?        Sl   05:34   0:00 /usr/lib/code-server/lib/node /usr/lib/code-serve
hacker       318  3.3  0.0 977472 98256 ?        Sl   05:34   0:06 /usr/lib/code-server/lib/node --dns-result-order=
hacker       554  0.4  0.0 650560 55360 ?        Rl   05:35   0:00 /usr/lib/code-server/lib/node /usr/lib/code-serve
hacker       571  0.0  0.0   4600  4032 pts/0    Ss   05:35   0:00 /usr/bin/bash --init-file /usr/lib/code-server/li
hacker      1172  0.0  0.0   5892  2924 pts/0    R+   05:38   0:00 ps aux

There are many commonalities between ps -ef and ps aux: both display the user (USER column), the PID, the TTY, the start time of the process (STIME/START), the total utilized CPU time (TIME), and the command (CMD/COMMAND). ps -ef additionally outputs the Parent Process ID (PPID), which is the PID of the process that launched the one in question, while ps aux outputs the percentage of total system CPU and Memory that the process is utilizing. Plus, there's a bunch of other stuff we won't get into right now.

Anyways! Let's practice. In this level, I have once again renamed /challenge/run to a random filename, and this time made it so that you cannot ls the /challenge directory! But I also launched it, so can find it in the running process list, figure out the filename, and relaunch it directly for the flag! Good luck!

NOTE: Both ps -ef and ps aux truncate the command listing to the width of your terminal (which is why the examples above line up so nicely on the right side of the screen. If you can't read the whole path to the process, you might need to enlarge your terminal (or redirect the output somewhere to avoid this truncating behavior)!

You've launched processes, you've viewed processes, now you will learn to terminate processes! In Linux, this is done using the aggressively-named kill command. With default options (which is all we'll cover in this level), kill will terminate a process in a way that gives it a chance to get its affairs in order before ceasing to exist.

Let's say you had a pesky sleep process (sleep is a program that simply hangs out for the number of seconds specified on the commandline, in this case, 1337 seconds) that you launched in another terminal, like so:

hacker@dojo:~$ sleep 1337

How do we get rid of it? You use kill to terminate it by passing the process identifier (the PID from ps) as an argument, like so:

hacker@dojo:~$ ps -e | grep sleep
 342 pts/0    00:00:00 sleep
hacker@dojo:~$ kill 342
hacker@dojo:~$ ps -e | grep sleep

Now, it's time to terminate your first process! In this challenge, /challenge/run will refuse to run while /challenge/dont_run is running! You must find the dont_run process and kill it. If you fail, will disavow all knowledge of your mission. Good luck.

You've learned how to kill other processes with the kill command, but sometimes you just want to get rid of the process that's clogging up your terminal! Luckily, terminals have a hotkey for this: Ctrl-C (e.g., holding down the Ctrl key and pressing C) sends an "interrupt" to whatever application is waiting on input from the terminal and, typically, this causes the application to cleanly exit.

Try it here! /challenge/run will refuse to give you the flag until you interrupt it. Good luck!

For the very interested, check out this article about terminals and "control codes" (such as Ctrl^C).

You have learned to interrupt processes with Ctrl-C, but there are less drastic measures you can use to get your terminal back! You can suspend processes to the background with Ctrl-Z. In this level, we'll explore how this works and, in the next level, we'll figure out how to resume those suspended processes!

This level's run wants to see another copy of itself running and using the same terminal. How? Use the terminal to launch it, then suspend it, then launch another copy while the first is suspended!

Usually, when you suspend processes, you'll want to resume them at some point. Otherwise, why not just terminate them? To resume processes, your shell provides the fg command, a builtin that takes the suspended process, resumes it, and puts it back in the foreground of your terminal.

Go try it out! This challenge's run needs you to suspend it, then resume it. Good luck!

You've resumed processes in the foreground with the fg command. You can also resume processes in the background with the bg command! This will allow the process to keep running, while giving you your shell back to invoke more commands in the meantime.

This level's run wants to see another copy of itself running, not suspended, and using the same terminal. How? Use the terminal to launch it, then suspend it, then background it with bg and launch another copy while the first is running in the background!

ARCANUM: If you're interested in some deeper details, check out how to view the differences between suspended and backgrounded properties! Allow me to demonstrate. First, let's suspend a sleep:

hacker@dojo:~$ sleep 1337
[1]+  Stopped                 sleep 1337

The sleep process is now suspended in the background. We can see this with ps by enabling the stat column output with the -o option:

hacker@dojo:~$ ps -o user,pid,stat,cmd
hacker       702 Ss   bash
hacker       762 T    sleep 1337
hacker       782 R+   ps -o user,pid,stat,cmd

See that T? That means that the process is suspended due to our Ctrl-Z. The S in bash's STAT column means that bash is sleeping while waiting for input. the R in ps's column means that it's actively running, and the + means that it's in the foreground!

Watch what happens when we resume sleep in the background:

hacker@dojo:~$ bg
[1]+ sleep 1337 &
hacker@dojo:~$ ps -o user,pid,stat,cmd
hacker       702 Ss   bash
hacker       762 S    sleep 1337
hacker      1224 R+   ps -o user,pid,stat,cmd

Boom! The sleep now has an S. It's sleeping while, well, sleeping, but it's not suspended! It's also in the background and thus doesn't have the +.

Imagine that you have a backgrounded process, and you want to mess with it some more. What do you do? Well, you can foreground a backgrounded process with fg just like you foreground a suspended process! This level will walk you through that!

Of course, you don't have to suspend processes to background them: you can start the backgrounded right off the bat! It's easy; all you have to do is append a & to the command, like so:

hacker@dojo:~$ sleep 1337 &
[1] 1771
hacker@dojo:~$ ps -o user,pid,stat,cmd
hacker      1709 Ss   bash
hacker      1771 S    sleep 1337
hacker      1782 R+   ps -o user,pid,stat,cmd

Here, sleep is actively running in the background, not suspended. Now it's your turn to practice! Launch /challenge/run backgrounded for the flag!

Every shell command, including every program and every builtin, exits with an exit code when it finishes running and terminates, This can be used by the shell, or the user of the shell (that's you!) to check if the process succeeded in its functionality (this determination, of course, depends on what the process is supposed to do in the first place).

You can access the exit code of the most recently-terminated command using the special ? variable (don't forget to prepend it with $ to read its value!):

hacker@dojo:~$ touch test-file
hacker@dojo:~$ echo $?
hacker@dojo:~$ touch /test-file
touch: cannot touch '/test-file': Permission denied
hacker@dojo:~$ echo $?

As you can see, commands that succeed typically return 0 and commands that fail typically return a non-zero value, most commonly 1 but sometimes an error code that identifies a specific failure mode.

In this challenge, you must retrieve the exit code returned by /challenge/get-code and then run /challenge/submit-code with that error code as an argument. Good luck!

First things first: file ownership. Every file in Linux is owned by a user on the system. Most often, in your day-to-day life, that user is the user you log in as every day.

On a shared system (such as in a computer lab), there might be many people with different user accounts, all with their own files in their own home directories. But even on a non-shared system (such as your personal PC), Linux still has many "service" user accounts for different tasks.

The two most important user accounts are:

  1. Your user account! On, this is the hacker user, regardless of what your username is.
  2. root. This is the administrative account and, in most security situations, the ultimate prize. If you take over the root user, you've almost certainly achieved your hacking objective!

So what? Well, it turns out that the way that we prevent you from just doing cat /flag is by having /flag owned by the root user, configure its permissions so that no other user can read it (you will learn how to do that later), and configure the actual challenge to run as the root user (you will learn how to do this later as well). The result is that when you do cat /flag, you get:

hacker@dojo:~$ ls -l /flag
-r-------- 1 root root 53 Jul  4 04:47 /flag
hacker@dojo:~$ cat /flag
cat: /flag: Permission denied

Here, you can see that the flag is owned by the root user (the first root in that line) and the root group (the second root in that line). When we try to read it as the hacker user, we are denied. However, if we were root (a hacker's dream!), we would have no problem reading this file:

root@dojo:~# cat /flag{demo_flag}

Interestingly, we can change the ownership of files! This is done via the chown (change owner) command:

chown [username] [file]

Typically, chown can only be invoked by the root user. Let's pretend that we're root again (that never gets old!), and watch a typical use of chown:

root@dojo:~# mkdir pwn_directory
root@dojo:~# touch college_file
root@dojo:~# ls -l
total 4
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root    0 May 22 13:42 college_file
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 May 22 13:42 pwn_directory
root@dojo:~# chown hacker college_file
root@dojo:~# ls -l
total 4
-rw-r--r-- 1 hacker root    0 May 22 13:42 college_file
drwxr-xr-x 2 root   root 4096 May 22 13:42 pwn_directory

college_file's owner has been changed to the hacker user, and how hacker can do with it whatever root had been able to do with it! If this was the /flag file, that means that the hacker user would be able to read it!

In this level, we will practice changing the owner of the /flag file to the hacker user, and then read the flag. For this challenge only, I made it so that you can use chown to your heart's content as the hacker user (again, typically, this requires you to be root). Use this power wisely and chown away!

Sharing is caring, and sharing is built into Linux's design. Files have both an owning user and group. A group can have multiple users in it, and a user can be a member of multiple groups.

You can check what groups you are part of with the id command:

hacker@dojo:~$ id
uid=1000(hacker) gid=1000(hacker) groups=1000(hacker)

Here, the hacker user is only in the hacker group. The most common use-case for groups is to control access to different system resources. For example, "Practice Mode" in grants you root access to allow better debugging and so on. This is handled by giving you an extra group when you launch in practice mode:

hacker@dojo:~$ id
uid=1000(hacker) gid=1000(hacker) groups=1000(hacker),27(sudo)

A typical main user of a typical Linux desktop has a lot of groups. For example, this is Zardus' desktop:

zardus@yourcomputer:~$ id
uid=1000(zardus) gid=1000(zardus) groups=1000(zardus),24(cdrom),25(floppy),27(sudo),29(audio),30(dip),44(video),46(plugdev),100(users),106(netdev),114(bluetooth),117(lpadmin),120(scanner),995(docker)

All these groups give Zardus the ability to read CDs and floppy disks (who does that anymore?), administer the system, play music, draw to the video monitor, use bluetooth, and so on. Often, this access control happens via group ownership on the filesystem! For example, graphical output can be done via the special /dev/fb0 file:

zardus@yourcomputer:~$ ls -l /dev/fb0
crw-rw---- 1 root video 29, 0 Jun 30 23:42 /dev/fb0

This file is a special device file (type c means it is a "character device"), and interacting with it results in changes to the display output (rather than changes to disk storage, as for a normal file!). Zardus' user account on his machine can interact with it because the the file has a group ownership of video, and Zardus is a member of the video group.

No such luck for the /flag file in the dojo, though! Consider the following:

hacker@dojo:~$ id
uid=1000(hacker) gid=1000(hacker) groups=1000(hacker)
hacker@dojo:~$ ls -l /flag
-r--r----- 1 root root 53 Jul  4 04:47 /flag
hacker@dojo:~$ cat /flag
cat: /flag: Permission denied

Here, the flag file is owned by the root user and the root group, and the hacker user is neither the root user nor a member of the root group, so the file cannot be accessed. Luckily, group ownership can be changed with the chgrp (change group) command! Unless you have write access to the file and membership in the new group, this typically requires root access, so let's check it out as root:

root@dojo:~# mkdir pwn_directory
root@dojo:~# touch college_file
root@dojo:~# ls -l
total 4
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root    0 May 22 13:42 college_file
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 May 22 13:42 pwn_directory
root@dojo:~# chgrp hacker college_file
root@dojo:~# ls -l
total 4
-rw-r--r-- 1 root hacker    0 May 22 13:42 college_file
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root   4096 May 22 13:42 pwn_directory

In this level, I have made the flag readable by whatever group owns it, but this group is currently root. Luckily, I have also made it possible for you to invoke chgrp as the hacker user! Change the group ownership of the flag file, and read the flag!

In the previous levels, you may have noticed that your hacker user is a member of the hacker group, and that zardus is a member of the zardus group. There is a convention in Linux that every user has their own group, but this does not have to be the case. For example, many computer labs will put all of their users into a single, shared users group.

The point is, you've used hacker for the group before, but in this level, that is not going to work. I'll still allow you to use chgrp, but I have randomized the name of the group that your user is in. You will need to use the id command to figure that name out, then chgrp to victory!

So now we're well-versed in ownership. Let's talk about the other side of the coin: file permissions. Recall our example:

hacker@dojo:~$ mkdir pwn_directory
hacker@dojo:~$ touch college_file
hacker@dojo:~$ ls -l
total 4
-rw-r--r-- 1 hacker hacker    0 May 22 13:42 college_file
drwxr-xr-x 2 hacker hacker 4096 May 22 13:42 pwn_directory

As a reminder, the first character there is the file type. The next nine characters are the actual access permissions of the file or directory, split into 3 characters denoting permissions for the owning user (now you understand this!), 3 characters denoting the permissions for the owning group (now you understand this as well!), and 3 characters denoting the permissions that all other access (e.g., by other users and other groups) has to the file.

Each character of the three represent permission for a different type:

r - user/group/other can read the file (or list the directory)
w - user/group/other can modify the files (or create/delete files in the directory)
x - user/group/other can execute the file as a program (or can enter the directory, e.g., using `cd`)
- - nothing 

For college_file above, the rw-r--r-- permissions entry decodes to:

  • r: the user that owns the file (user hacker) can read it
  • w: the user that owns the file (user hacker) can write to it
  • -: the user that owns the file (user hacker) cannot execute it
  • r: users in the group that owns the file (group hacker) can read it
  • -: users in the group that owns the file (group hacker) cannot write to it
  • -: users in the group that owns the file (group hacker) cannot execute it
  • r: all other users can read it
  • -: all other users cannot write to it
  • -: all other users cannot execute it

Now, let's look at the default permissions of /flag:

hacker@dojo:~$ ls -l /flag
-r-------- 1 root root 53 Jul  4 04:47 /flag

Here, there is only one bit set: the read permission for the owning user (in this case, root). Members of the owning group (the root group) and all other users have no access to the file.

You might be wondering how the chgrp levels worked, if there is no group access to the file. Well, for those levels, I set the permissions differently:

hacker@dojo:~$ ls -l /flag
-r--r----- 1 root root 53 Jul  4 04:47 /flag

The group had access! That is why chgrping the file enabled you to read the file.

Anyways! Like ownership, file permissions can also be changed. This is done with the chmod (change mode) command. The basic usage for chmod is:


You can specify the MODE in two ways: as a modification of the existing permissions mode, or as a completely new mode to overwrite the old one.

In this level, we will cover the former: modifying an existing mode. chmod allows you to tweak permissions with the mode format of WHO+/-WHAT, where WHO is user/group/other and WHAT is read/write/execute. For example, to add read access for the owning user, you would specify a mode of u+r. write and execute access for the group and the other (or all the modes) are specified the same way. More examples:

  • u+r, as above, adds read access to the user's permissions
  • g+wx adds write and execute access to the group's permissions
  • o-w removes write access for other users
  • a-rwx removes all permissions for the user, group, and world


root@dojo:~# mkdir pwn_directory
root@dojo:~# touch college_file
root@dojo:~# ls -l
total 4
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root    0 May 22 13:42 college_file
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 May 22 13:42 pwn_directory
root@dojo:~# chmod go-rwx *
root@dojo:~# ls -l
total 4
-rw------- 1 hacker root    0 May 22 13:42 college_file
drwx------ 2 root   root 4096 May 22 13:42 pwn_directory

In this challenge, you must change the permissions of the /flag file to read it! Typically, you need to have write access to the file in order to change its permissions, but I have made the chmod command all-powerful for this level, and you can chmod anything you want even though you are the hacker user. This is an ultimate power. The /flag file is owned by root, and you can't change that, but you can make it readable. Go and solve this!

So far, you have mostly been dealing with read permissions. This makes sense, because you have been making the /flag file readable to read it. In this level, we will explore execute permissions.

When you invoke a program, such as /challenge/run, Linux will only actually execute it if you have execute-access to the program file. Consider:

hacker@dojo:~$ ls -l /challenge/run
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root    0 May 22 13:42 /challenge/run
hacker@dojo:~$ /challenge/run
Successfully ran the challenge!

In this case, /challenge/run runs because it is executable by the hacker user. Because the file is owned by the root user and root group, this requires that the execute bit is set on the other permissions). If we remove these permissions, the execution will fail!

hacker@dojo:~$ chmod o-x /challenge/run
hacker@dojo:~$ ls -l /challenge/run
-rwxr-xr-- 1 root root    0 May 22 13:42 /challenge/run
hacker@dojo:~$ /challenge/run
bash: /challenge/run: Permission denied

In this challenge, the /challenge/run program will give you the flag, but you must first make it executable! Remember your chmod, and get /challenge/run to tell you the flag!

You think you can chmod? Let's practice!

This challenge will ask you to change the permissions of the /challenge/pwn file in specific ways a few times in a row. If you get the permissions wrong, the game will reset and you can try again. If you get the permissions right eight times in a row, the challenge will let you chmod /flag to make it readable for yourself :-) Launch /challenge/run to get started!

In addition to adding and removing permissions, as in the previous level, chmod can also simply set permissions altogether, overwriting the old ones. This is done by using = instead of - or +. For example:

  • u=rw sets read and write permissions for the user, and wipes the execute permission
  • o=x sets only executable permissions for the world, wiping read and write
  • a=rwx sets read, write, and executable permissions for the user, group, and world!

But what if you want to change user permissions in a different way as group permissions? Say, you want to set rw for the owning user, but only r for the owning group? You can achieve this by chaining multiple modes to chmod with ,!

  • chmod u=rw,g=r /challenge/pwn will set the user permissions to read and write, and the group permissions to read-only
  • chmod a=r,u=rw /challenge/pwn will set the user permissions to read and write, and the group and world permissions to read-only

Additionally, you can zero out permissions with -:

  • chmod u=rw,g=r,o=- /challenge/pwn will set the user permissions to read and write, the group permissions to read-only, and the world permissions to nothing at all

Keep in mind, that -, appearing after = is in a different context than if it appeared directly after the u, g, or o (in which case, it would cause specific bits to be removed, not everything).

This level extends the previous level by requesting more radical permission changes, which you will need = and ,-chaining to achieve. Good luck!

There are many cases in which non-root users need elevated access to do certain system tasks. The system admin can't be there to give them the password every time a user wanted to do a task that only root/sudoers can do. The "Set User ID" (SUID) permissions bit allows the user to run a program as the owner of that program's file.

This is actually the exact mechanism used to let the challenge programs you run read the flag or, outside of, to enable system administration tools such as su, sudo, and so on. The permission of a file with SUID list look like this:

hacker@dojo:~$ ls -l /usr/bin/sudo
-rwsr-xr-x 1 root root 232416 Dec 1 11:45 /usr/bin/sudo

The s part in place of the executable bit means that the program is executable with SUID. It means that, regardless of what user runs the program (as long as they have executable permissions), the program will execute as the owner user (in this case, the root user).

As the owner of a file, you can set a file's SUID bit by using chmod:

chmod u+s [program]

But be careful! Giving the SUID bit to an executable owned by root can give attackers a possible attack vector to become root. You will learn more about this in the Program Misuse module.

Now, we are going to let you add the SUID bit to the /challenge/getroot program in order to spawn a root shell for you to cat the flag yourself!

In the previous level, you used the /challenge/getroot program to become the root user. Becoming root is a fairly common action that Linux users take, and your typical Linux installation obviously does not have /challenge/getroot. Instead, there are two utilities used for this purposes: su and sudo.

In this challenge, we will cover the older one, su (the switch user command). This is not typically used to elevate to root access anymore, but it is an elegant utility from a more civilized time, and we'll cover it first.

su is a setuid binary:

hacker@dojo:~$ ls -l /usr/bin/su
-rwsr-xr-x 1 root root 232416 Dec 1 11:45 /usr/bin/su

Because it has the SUID bit set, su runs as root. Running as root, it can start a root shell! Of course, su is discerning: before allowing the user to elevate privileges to root, it checks to make sure that the user knows the root password:

hacker@dojo:~$ su
su: Authentication failure

This check against the root password is what obsoletes su. Modern systems very rarely have root passwords, and different mechanisms (that we will learn later) are used to grant administrative access.

But THIS challenge (and only this challenge) does have a root password. That password is hack-the-planet, and you must provide it to su to become root! Go do that, and read the flag!

With no arguments, su will start a root shell (after authenticating with root's password). However, you can also give a username as an argument to switch to that user instead of root. For example:

hacker@dojo:~$ su some-user

Awesome! In this level, you must switch to the zardus user and then run /challenge/run. Zardus' password is dont-hack-me. Good luck!

When you enter a password for su, it compares it against the stored password for that user. These passwords used to be stored in /etc/passwd, but because /etc/passwd is a globally-readable file, this is not good for passwords, these were moved to /etc/shadow. Here is the example /etc/shadow from the previous level:


Separated by :s, the first field of each line is the username and the second is the password. A value of * or ! functionally means that password login for the account is disabled, a blank field means that there is no password (a not-uncommon misconfiguration that allows password-less su in some configurations), and the long string such as Zardus' $6$bEFkpM0w/6J0n979$47ksu/JE5QK6hSeB7mmuvJyY05wVypMhMMnEPTIddNUb5R9KXgNTYRTm75VOu1oRLGLbAql3ylkVa5ExuPov1. is the result of one-way-encrypting (hashing) Zardus' password from the last level (in this case, dont-hack-me). Other fields in this file have other meanings, and you can read more about them here.

When you input a password into su, it one-way-encrypts (hashes) it and compares the result against the stored value. If the result matches, su grants you access to the user!

But what if you don't know the password? If you have the hashed value of the password, you can crack it! Even though /etc/shadow is, by default, only readable by root, leaks can happen! For example, backups are often stored, unencrypted and insufficiently protected, on file servers, and this has led to countless data disclosures.

If a hacker gets their hands on a leaked /etc/shadow, they can start cracking passwords and wreaking havoc. The cracking can be done via the famous John the Ripper, as so:

hacker@dojo:~$ john ./my-leaked-shadow-file
Loaded 1 password hash (crypt, generic crypt(3) [?/64])
Will run 32 OpenMP threads
Press 'q' or Ctrl-C to abort, almost any other key for status
password1337      (zardus)
1g 0:00:00:22 3/3 0.04528g/s 10509p/s 10509c/s 10509C/s lykys..lank
Use the "--show" option to display all of the cracked passwords reliably
Session completed

Here, John the Ripper cracked Zardus' leaked password hash to find the real value of password1337. Poor Zardus!

This level simulates this story, giving you a leak of /etc/shadow (in /challenge/shadow-leak). Crack it (this could take a few minutes), su to zardus, and run /challenge/run to get the flag!

In the olden days, a typical Linux system had a root password that administrators would use to su to root (after logging into their account with their normal account password). But root passwords are a pain to maintain, they (or their hashes!) can leak, and they don't lend themselves well to larger environments (e.g., fleets of servers). To address this, in recent decades, the world has moved from administration via su to administration via sudo (superuser do).

Unlike su, which defaults to launching a shell as a specified user, sudo defaults to running a command as root:

hacker@dojo:~$ whoami
hacker@dojo:~$ sudo whoami

Or, more relevant to getting flags:

hacker@dojo:~$ grep hacker /etc/shadow
grep: /etc/shadow: Permission denied
hacker@dojo:~$ sudo grep hacker /etc/shadow

Unlike su, which relies on password authentication, sudo checks policies to determine whether the user is authorized to run commands as root. These policies are defined in /etc/sudoers, and though it's mostly out of scale for our purposes, there are plenty of resources for learning about this!

So, the world has moved to sudo and has (for the purposes of system administration) left su behind. In fact, even's Practice Mode works by giving you sudo access to elevate privileges!

In this level, we will give you sudo access, and you will use it to read the flag. Nice and easy!

NOTE: After this level, we will enable Practice Mode! When you launch a challenge in Practice Mode (by clicking the Practice button instead of the Start button), the resulting container will give you full sudo access to allow you to introspect and debug to your heart's content, but of course with a placeholder flag.

The easiest way to chain commands is ;. In most contexts, ; separates commands in a similar way to how Enter separates lines. So, this:

hacker@dojo:~$ echo COLLEGE > pwn
hacker@dojo:~$ cat pwn

Is roughly the same as this:

hacker@dojo:~$ echo COLLEGE > pwn; cat pwn

Basically, when you hit Enter, your shell executes your typed command and, after that command terminates, give you the prompt to input another command. The semicolon is analogous, just without the prompt and with you entering both commands before anything is executed.

Give it a try now! In this level, you must run /challenge/pwn and then /challenge/college, chaining them with a semicolon.

As you combine more and more commands to achieve complex effects, the length of the combined prompt quickly gets really annoying to deal with. When this happens, you can put these commands in a file, called a shell script, and run them by executing the file! For example, consider our semicolon technique:

hacker@dojo:~$ echo COLLEGE > pwn; cat pwn

We can create a shell script called (by convention, shell scripts are frequently named with a sh suffix):

echo COLLEGE > pwn
cat pwn

And then we can execute by passing it as an argument to a new instance of our shell (bash)! When a shell is invoked like this, rather than taking commands from the user, it reads commands from the file.

hacker@dojo:~$ ls
hacker@dojo:~$ bash
hacker@dojo:~$ ls

You can see that the shell script executed both commands, creating and printing the pwn file.

Now, it's your turn! Same as last level, run /challenge/pwn and then /challenge/college, but this time in a shell script called, then run it with bash!

NOTE: We haven't yet talked about Linux's amazing array of competent command line file editors. For now, feel free to use the Text Editor application in Desktop mode (Applications->Accessories->Text Editor) or the default editor in the VSCode Workspace!

Let's try something a bit trickier! You've piped output between programs with |, but so far, this has just been between one command's output and a different command's input. But what if you wanted to send the output of several programs to one command? There are a few ways to do this, and we'll explore a simple one here: redirecting output from your script!

As far as the shell is concerned, your script is just another command. That means you can redirect its input and output just like you did for commands in the Piping module! For example, you can write it to a file:

hacker@dojo:~$ cat
echo PWN
hacker@dojo:~$ bash > output
hacker@dojo:~$ cat output

All of the various redirection methods work: > for stdout, 2> for stderr, < for stdin, >> and 2>> for append-mode redirection, >& for redirecting to other file descriptors, and | for piping to another command.

In this level, we will practice piping (|) from your script to another program. Like before, you need to create a script that calls the /challenge/pwn command followed by the /challenge/college command, and pipe the output of the script into a single invocation of the /challenge/solve command!

You have written your first shell script, but calling it via bash is a pain. Why do you need that bash?

When you invoke bash, you are, of course launching the bash command with the argument. This tells bash to read its commands from instead of standard input, and thus your shell script is executed.

It turns out that you can avoid the need to manually invoke bash. If your shell script file is executable (recall File Permissions), you can simply invoke it via its relative or absolute path! For example, if you create in your home directory and make it executable, you can invoke it via /home/hacker/ or ~/ or (if your working directory is /home/hacker) ./

Try that here! Make a shellscript that will invoke /challenge/solve, make it executable, and run it without explicitly invoking bash!

It turns out that the answer to "How does the shell find ls?" is fairly simple. There is a special shell variable, called PATH, that stores a bunch of directory paths in which the shell will search for programs corresponding to commands. If you blank out the variable, things go badly:

hacker@dojo:~$ ls
Desktop    Downloads  Pictures  Templates
Documents  Music      Public    Videos
hacker@dojo:~$ PATH=""
hacker@dojo:~$ ls
bash: ls: No such file or directory

Without a PATH, bash cannot find the ls command.

In this level, you will disrupt the operation of the /challenge/run program. This program will DELETE the flag file using the rm command. However, if it can't find the rm command, the flag will not be deleted, and the challenge will give it to you! Thus, you must make it so that /challenge/run also can't find the rm command!

Keep in mind: /challenge/run will be a child process of your shell, so you must apply the concepts you learned in Shell Variables to mess with its PATH variable! If you don't succeed, and the flag gets deleted, you will need to restart the challenge to try again!

Okay, so things break when you blank out PATH. But what about doing something useful with PATH?

Let's explore how we would, for example, add a new directory of programs to our command repertoire. Recall that PATH stores a list of directories to find commands in and, for commands in nonstandard places, we must typically execute them via their path:

hacker@dojo:~$ ls /home/hacker/scripts
goodscript	badscript	okayscript
hacker@dojo:~$ goodscript
bash: goodscript: command not found
hacker@dojo:~$ /home/hacker/scripts/goodscript
YEAH! This is the best script!

If you maintain useful scripts that you want to be able to launch by bare name, this is annoying. However, by adding directories to or replacing directories in this list, you can expose these programs to be launched using their bare name! For example:

hacker@dojo:~$ PATH=/home/hacker/scripts
hacker@dojo:~$ goodscript
YEAH! This is the best script!

Let's practice. This level's /challenge/run will run the win command via its bare name, but this command exists in the /challenge/more_commands/ directory, which is not initially in the PATH. The win command is the only thing that /challenge/run needs, so you can just overwrite PATH with that one directory. Good luck!

Recall our example from the previous level:

hacker@dojo:~$ ls /home/hacker/scripts
goodscript	badscript	okayscript
hacker@dojo:~$ PATH=/home/hacker/scripts
hacker@dojo:~$ goodscript
YEAH! This is the best script!

What we see here, of course, is the hacker making the shell more useful for themselves by bringing their own commands to the party. Over time, you might amass your own elegant tools. Let's start with win!

Previously, the win command that /challenge/run executed was stored in /challenge/more_commands. This time, win does not exist! Recall the final level of Chaining Commands, and make a shell script called win, add its location to the PATH, and enable /challenge/run to find it!

Hint: /challenge/run runs as root and will call win. Thus, win can simply cat the flag file. Again, the win command is the only thing that /challenge/run needs, so you can just overwrite PATH with that one directory. But remember, if you do that, your win command won't be able to find cat.

You have three options to avoid that:

  1. Figure out where the cat program is on the filesystem. It must be in a directory that lives in the PATH variable, so you can print the variable out (refer to Shell Variables to remember how!), and go through the directories in it (recall that the different entries are separated by :), find which one has cat in it, and invoke cat by its absolute path.
  2. Set a PATH that has the old directories plus a new entry for wherever you create win.
  3. Use read (again, refer to Shell Variables) to read /flag. Since read is a builtin functionality of bash, it is unaffected by PATH shenanigans.

Now, go and win!

Armed with your knowledge, you can now carry out some shenanigans. This challenge is almost the same as the first challenge in this module. Again, this challenge will delete the flag using the rm command. But unlike before, it will not print anything out for you.

How can you solve this? You know that rm is searched for in the directories listed in the PATH variable. You have experience creating the win command when the previous challenge needed it. What else can you create?

30-Day Scoreboard:

This scoreboard reflects solves for challenges in this module after the module launched in this dojo.

Rank Hacker Badges Score