Now that you've developed expertise in reading and writing assembly code, we'll put that knowledge to the test in reverse engineering binaries!
First you'll learn the magic of gdb, then reverse engineer binaries.
For the Debugging Refresher
levels, the challenge is in /challenge
, but named differently for each level. Make sure you read the output, it will drop you into gdb. From there there run run
to get started. Follow the output to keep going
For the Reverse Engineering
levels, the challenge is in /challenge
, but named differently for each level. The levelX.0 are "teaching" challenges that have output that shows what the challenge is doing. The levelX.1 challenges are similar (but not the same) but have no output: you'll need to reverse engineer the binary.
Lectures and Reading
30-Day Scoreboard:
This scoreboard reflects solves for challenges in this module after the module launched in this dojo.
Rank | Hacker | Badges | Score |