Binary Exploitation

CSE 365 - Fall 2023

Now let's put everything together and learn how to exploit binaries.

Lectures and Reading

Recorded Lectures:

11/22/23 Binary Security Pt. 1:

11/27/23 Binary Security Pt. 2:

11/29/23 Binary Security Pt. 3:

The excellent Zardus (creator of has recorded lectures and slides that might be useful:

Shellcode Injection: Introduction

Shellcode Injection: Common Challenges

Shellcode Injection: Data Execution Prevention

Memory Errors: Introduction

Memory Errors: High-level Problems

Memory Errors: Smashing the Stack

Memory Errors: Causes of Corruption 1

Memory Errors: ASLR

Memory Errors: Causes of Disclosure

Exploitation Scenarios: Introduction

Exploitation Scenarios: Hijacking to Shellcode


Exploit a (memory corruption) stack injection vulnerability

Write and execute shellcode to read the flag!

Write and execute shellcode to read the flag, but a portion of your input is randomly skipped.

Write and execute shellcode to read the flag, but your inputted data is filtered before execution.

Overflow a buffer on the stack to set the right conditions to obtain the flag!

Overflow a buffer on the stack to set the right conditions to obtain the flag!

Overflow a buffer on the stack to set trickier conditions to obtain the flag!

Overflow a buffer on the stack to set trickier conditions to obtain the flag!

Overflow a buffer and smash the stack to obtain the flag!

Overflow a buffer and smash the stack to obtain the flag!

Overflow a buffer and smash the stack to obtain the flag, but this time bypass another check designed to prevent you from doing so!

Overflow a buffer and smash the stack to obtain the flag, but this time bypass another check designed to prevent you from doing so!

Overflow a buffer and smash the stack to obtain the flag, but this time in a position independent (PIE) binary!

Overflow a buffer and smash the stack to obtain the flag, but this time in a position independent (PIE) binary!

Overflow a buffer and smash the stack to obtain the flag, but this time in a position independent (PIE) binary with an additional check on your input.

Overflow a buffer and smash the stack to obtain the flag, but this time in a position independent (PIE) binary with an additional check on your input.

Overflow a buffer and leak the flag. Be warned, this requires careful and clever payload construction!

Overflow a buffer and leak the flag. Be warned, this requires careful and clever payload construction!

Write a full exploit involving shellcode and a method of tricking the challenge into executing it.

Write a full exploit involving shellcode and a method of tricking the challenge into executing it.

Write a full exploit involving injecting shellcode and a method of tricking the challenge into executing it. Note, ASLR is disabled!

Write a full exploit involving injecting shellcode and a method of tricking the challenge into executing it. Note, ASLR is disabled!

30-Day Scoreboard:

This scoreboard reflects solves for challenges in this module after the module launched in this dojo.

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