Software Introspection

Computing 101.

As you write larger and larger programs, you (yes, even you!) might make mistakes when implementing certain functionality, introducing bugs into your programs. When this happens, you'll need to have a reliable toolbox of resources to understand what is going wrong and fix it. Of course, the exact same techniques can be used to understand what is wrong with code that you didn't write, and fix or exploit it as you might desire!

This module will introduce you to several ways to introspect, debug, and understand software. You'll cary this critical knowledge with you and use it throughout, so harken well!


The first one is pretty simple: the syscall tracer, strace.

Given a program to run, strace will use functionality of the Linux operating system to introspect and record every system call that the program invokes, and its result. For example, let's look at our program from the previous challenge:

hacker@dojo:~$ strace /tmp/your-program
execve("/tmp/your-program", ["/tmp/your-program"], 0x7ffd48ae28b0 /* 53 vars */) = 0
exit(42)                                 = ?
+++ exited with 42 +++

As you can see, strace reports what system calls are triggered, what parameters were passed to them, and what data they returned. The syntax used here for output is system_call(parameter, parameter, parameter, ...). This syntax is borrowed from a programming language called C, but we don't have to worry about that yet. Just keep in mind how to read this specific syntax.

In this example, strace reports two system calls: the second is the exit system call that your program uses to request its own termination, and you can see the parameter you passed to it (42). The first is an execve system call. We'll learn about this system call later, but it's somewhat of a yin to exit's yang: it starts a new program (in this case, your-program). It's not actually invoked by your-program in this case: its detection by strace is a weird artifact of how strace works, that we'll investigate later.

In the final line, you can see the result of exit(42), which is that the program exits with an exit code of 42!

Now, the exit syscall is easy to introspect without using strace --- after all, part of the point of exit is to give you an exit code that you can access. But other system calls are less visible. For example, the alarm system call (syscall number 37!) will set a timer in the operating system, and when that many seconds pass, Linux will terminate the program. The point of alarm is to, e.g., kill the program when it's frozen, but in this case, we'll use alarm to practice our strace snooping!

In this challenge, you must strace the /challenge/trace-me program to figure out what value it passes as a parameter to the alarm system call, then call /challenge/submit-number with the number you've retrieved as the argument. Good luck!

Next, lets move on to GDB. GDB stands for the GNU Debugger, and it is typically used to hunt down and understand bugs. More specifically, a debugger is a tool that enables the close monitoring and introspection of another process. There are many famous debuggers, and in the Linux space, gdb is by far the most common.

We'll learn gdb step by step through a series of challenges. In this one, we'll focus on simply launching it. That's done as so:

hacker@dojo:~$ gdb /path/to/binary/file

In this challenge, the binary that holds the secret is /challenge/debug-me. Once you load it in gdb, the rest will happen magically: we'll handle the analysis and give you the secret number. In later levels, you'll learn how to get that number on your own!

Again, once you have the number, exchange it for the flag with /challenge/submit-number.

Debuggers, including gdb, observe the debugged program as it runs to expose information about its runtime behavior. In the previous level, we automatically launched the program for you. Here, we will tone down the magic somewhat: you must start the execution of the program, and we'll do the rest (e.g., recover the secret value from it).

When you launch gdb now, it will eventually bring up a command prompt, that looks like this:


You start a program with the starti command:

(gdb) starti

starti "starts the program at the very first instruction. Give it a try now, and we'll configure gdb to magically extract the secret value once the program is running.

30-Day Scoreboard:

This scoreboard reflects solves for challenges in this module after the module launched in this dojo.

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