Hello Hackers

Computing 101

Until now, your program's single interaction with the wider world was changing its exit code when exiting. Of course, more interaction is possible!

In this module, we will learn about the write system call, which is used to write output to the command-line terminal! This is going to be an exciting journey: the logic of this program is going to be both as close as you can possibly get to the hardware itself (e.g., you are writing raw x86 assembly that the CPU directly understands!) and as close as you can possibly get to the Linux operating system (e.g., you are triggering system calls directly!).

Lectures and Reading


Let's learn to write text!

Unsurprisingly, your program writes text to the screen by invoking a system call. Specifically, this is the write system call, and its syscall number is 1. However, the write system call also needs to specify, via its parameters, what data to write and where to write it to.

You may remember, from the Practicing Piping module of the Linux Luminarium dojo, the concept of File Descriptors (FDs). As a reminder, each process starts out with three FDs:

  • FD 0: Standard Input is the channel through which the process takes input. For example, your shell uses Standard Input to read the commands that you input.
  • FD 1: Standard Output is the channel through which processes output normal data, such as the flag when it is printed to you in previous challenges or the output of utilities such as ls.
  • FD 2: Standard Error is the channel through which processes output error details. For example, if you mistype a command, the shell will output, over standard error, that this command does not exist.

It turns out that, in your write system call, this is how you specify where to write the data to! The first (and only) parameter to your exit system call was your exit code (mov rdi, 42), and the first (but, in this case, not only!) parameter to write is the file descriptor. If you want to write to standard output, you would set rdi to 1. If you want to write to standard error, you would set rdi to 2. Super simple!

This leaves us with what to write. Now, you could imagine a world where we specify what to write through yet another register parameter to the write system call. But these registers don't fit a ton of data, and to write out a long story like this challenge description, you'd need to invoke the write system call multiple times. Relatively speaking, this has a lot of performance cost --- the CPU needs to switch from executing the instructions of your program to executing the instructions of Linux itself, do a bunch of housekeeping computation, interact with your hardware to get the actual pixels to show up on your screen, and then switch back. This is slow, and so we try to minimize the number of times we invoke system calls.

Of course, the solution to this is to write multiple characters at the same time. The write system call does this by taking two parameters for the "what": a where (in memory) to start writing from and a how many characters to write. These parameters are passed as the second and third parameter to write. In the kinda-C syntax that we learned from strace, this would be:

write(file_descriptor, memory_address, number_of_characters_to_write)

For a more concrete example, if you wanted to write 10 characters from memory address 1337000 to standard output (file descriptor 1), this would be:

write(1, 1337000, 10);

Wow, that's simple! Now, how do we actually specify these parameters?

  1. We'll pass the first parameter of a system call, as we reviewed above, in the rdi register.
  2. We'll pass the second parameter via the rsi register. The agreed-upon convention in Linux is that rsi is used as the second parameter to system calls.
  3. We'll pass the third parameter via the rdx register. This is the most confusing part of this entire module: rdi (the register holding the first parameter) has such a similar name to rdx that it's really easy to mix up and, unfortunately, the naming is this way for historic reasons and is here to stay. Oh well... It's just something we have to be careful about. Maybe a mnemonic like "rdi is the initial parameter while rdx is the xtra parameter"? Or just think of it as having to keep track of different friends with similar names, and you'll be fine.

And, of course, the write syscall index into rax itself: 1. Other than the rdi vs rdx confusion, this is really easy!

Now, you know how to point a register at a memory address (from the Memory module!), and yo know how to set the system call number, and how to set the rest of the registers. So, this should be cake!

Similar to before, we wrote a single secret character value into memory at address 1337000. Call write to that single character (for now! We'll do multiple-character writes later) value onto standard out, and we'll give you the flag!

Okay, our previous solution wrote output but then crashed. In this level, you will write output, and then not crash!

We'll do this by invoking the write system call, and then invoking the exit system call to cleanly exit the program. How do we invoke two system calls? Just like you invoke two instructions! First, you set up the necessary registers and invoke write, then you set up the necessary registers and invoke `exit!

Your previous solution had 5 instructions (setting rdi, setting rsi, setting rdx, setting rax, and syscall). This one should have those 5, plus three more for exit (setting rdi to the exit code, setting rax to syscall index 60, and syscall). For this level, let's exit with exit code 42!

Okay, we have one thing left for this run of challenges. You've written out a single byte, and now we'll practice writing out multiple bytes. I've stored a 14-character secret string at memory location 1337000. Can you write it out?

Hint: The only thing you should have to change compared to your previous solution is the value in rdx!

30-Day Scoreboard:

This scoreboard reflects solves for challenges in this module after the module launched in this dojo.

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