
Welcome to the Desert CodeSprouts Cybersecurity Workshop Dojo!

This dojo is specially designed for middle school students with no prior background in computer science. Desert CodeSprouts is an exciting annual interactive workshop, housed at Arizona State University. The goal of the workshop is to introduce the fundamentals of cybersecurity in a fun and engaging way. For more information please visit our website.

Through our web app module you will understand the basics of web application security, cryptography, and develop problem-solving skills that are crucial in the digital age.

Get ready to dive into the world of hacking!

Award: 💡


Hacking Now: 0
Hackers: 89
Challenges: 3
Solves: 247
Awardees: 75
Earliest Awardees: adilahmad17 · duskfall321 · s362329 · ainzpwn · navalux
Latest Awardees: trim · SilverShield · Deltora · livz · Jeff


30-Day Scoreboard:

Rank Hacker Badges Score